3 home games moved

Get use to it, when you sup with the devil, you better use a long spoon.....
Why? Why should fans have to put up with this? I can tolerate games being moved to midday Saturday or at a push the early game on Sunday to accommodate Sky and their money but these given times are not acceptable in my eyes.
What consideration has been given to Newcastle fans to get to Bournemouth on a Sunday?
Most of the people I know work from 0700 on Monday to 1200 on Saturday. Saturday night and Sundays are precious time with your families, I live away and don’t have a season ticket but I respect those that do. I would be (I am) bloody annoyed by this blatant disregard of fans
B'stards.I have a milestone birthday on Friday 13th.
Plan was to use hospitality for Cbelsea game (although I still baulk at the £556 cost) then have a massive BBQ later.Looks like the party will have to start a few hours earlier.
People mention the Sky millions like it benefits me or you.

It doesn't. And still all clubs find more ways to rip off their fans.
Absolutely spot on. How has Sky benefitted us the supporters other than allow us to watch a million other games a season. I don't get a share of the £150m all i get is increased prices, a bit of touchy feel-y from OTT stewards, a yellow line i have to drink behind and the opportunity to flash my ST 15 times before I get to my standing space. Sky don't give a shite about anything other than their American and far Eastern markets. They certainly don't care about those that chug up 1000's of miles a season following their team about.
Absolutely spot on. How has Sky benefitted us the supporters other than allow us to watch a million other games a season. I don't get a share of the £150m all i get is increased prices, a bit of touchy feel-y from OTT stewards, a yellow line i have to drink behind and the opportunity to flash my ST 15 times before I get to my standing space. Sky don't give a shite about anything other than their American and far Eastern markets. They certainly don't care about those that chug up 1000's of miles a season following their team about.
Sky don't sell to America or Far east, the Premier league do. But hey just say it enough times and people believe you
Couldn't have worked out better for me - was away in Croatia up until Sunday PM so had resigned myself to the fact I'd miss the Southampton game. Not now. Thanks Sky!
My view is, if I have to miss a game or it causes an inconvenience……I’d rather us be in this division and put up with it than be back where we’ve been for the vast majority of my time supporting them.
My view is, if I have to miss a game or it causes an inconvenience……I’d rather us be in this division and put up with it than be back where we’ve been for the vast majority of my time supporting them.
Don't think anyone has said otherwise.
I didn’t say they had.
I was replying to the sarcastic ( including yours) posts thanking Sky.
I know it’s not ideal but we have to accept it if we want the best players playing in this country, I know you do Rob.
I know New old timer Cherry would rather we played in the 4th division with all home grown players.
