Kenya Cherrie
UTC Legend
Man City please
Shame on you!Arsenal please
The Shame is only tempered by the joy of the victory.Shame on you!
I also chipped in from off the green, how jammy can you get.Man City ........... you jammy beggers.
adam0102 | Brentford | My error - bye |
afcdibby | Arsenal | Man Utd |
boscombe botn | Arsenal | Man City |
ChandlersFordCherry | Arsenal | Man City |
cherrydownunder | Arsenal | Man City |
chillred | WHU | Everton |
chriscooke | Man City | Liverpool |
deancourt | Arsenal | Man City |
DevizesRed | Arsenal | Spurs |
GaryRB | WHU | Everton |
getinthere | Brentford | Spurs |
GrahamH | Arsenal | Man City |
Hoof_It | Brentford | Man City |
Kenya Cherrie | Arsenal | Man City |
Kicks_On_66 | Arsenal | Man City |
kitso | Brentford | Man City |
LesTheChap | Arsenal | Spurs |
mannafanna | Arsenal | Man City |
Matt Stevenson | Arsenal | Spurs |
Monmouthred | Arsenal | Man City |
musiccitycherry | Arsenal | Forest |
OLDSKOOL | Liverpool | Spurs |
Red_Dez | Arsenal | Spurs |
rednblackexile | Arsenal | Man City |
richnrg | WHU | Forest |
rickie | WHU | No entry |
RoadRunner | Arsenal | Spurs |
robber button | Arsenal | Man City |
Rugby red | WHU | Man City |
sdrltd55 | Arsenal | No entry |
Steady Eddie 1 | Brentford | Arsenal |
steve_no | Arsenal | Forest |
Toronto John | Arsenal | Spurs |
TrueCherry | Man City | Newcastle |
wallmth | Arsenal | Man City |
adam0102 |
afcdibby |
boscombe botn |
ChandlersFordCherry |
cherrydownunder |
chillred |
chriscooke |
deancourt |
DevizesRed |
GaryRB |
getinthere |
GrahamH |
Hoof_It |
Kenya Cherrie |
Kicks_On_66 |
kitso |
LesTheChap |
mannafanna |
Matt Stevenson |
Monmouthred |
musiccitycherry |
Red_Dez |
rednblackexile |
richnrg |
RoadRunner |
robber button |
Rugby red |
steve_no |
Toronto John |
wallmth |