Star Player
[though I wonder whether the winning strategy might not be simply to pick whoever is playing Southampton . . .]
Sorry AC, I can't do it.Newcastle Utd please AC
You dog!!. Inspired change, good on you, can see why you have won some LMS rounds along the way.Sorry AC, I can't do it.
Please may I change to Chelsea.
Are you sure?Sorry AC, I can't do it.
Please may I change to Chelsea.
afcblady | Villa | Newcastle | Forest |
afcdibby | Man City | Man Utd | Chelsea |
Audenshaw Cherry | Villa | Newcastle | Forest |
Bourne Mouthy | Man City | Man Utd | Chelsea |
canadiancherry | Brentford | Man Utd | Spurs |
cherrydownunder | Villa | Man Utd | Man City |
davidwhitehead | Man City | Man Utd | Forest |
deancourt | Villa | Man Utd | Man City |
getinthere | Villa | Man Utd | Forest |
Hoof_It | AFCB | Newcastle | No Entry |
Kicks_On_66 | AFCB | Newcastle | Forest |
kitso | AFCB | Man Utd | Forest |
LesTheChap | Villa | Man Utd | Chelsea |
Matt Stevenson | Villa | Man Utd | Forest |
musiccitycherry | Villa | Man Utd | Chelsea |
Red Stan | Villa | Newcastle | Chelsea |
rednblackexile | Villa | Man Utd | Man City |
Rugby red | AFCB | Man Utd | Forest |
Simon | Man City | Man Utd | No Entry |
table | AFCB | Man Utd | Forest |
Toronto John | Man City | Newcastle | Forest |
TrueCherry | Man City | WHU | Chelsea |
wallmth | AFCB | Man Utd | Forest |
afcblady |
afcdibby |
Audenshaw Cherry |
Bourne Mouthy |
cherrydownunder |
davidwhitehead |
deancourt |
getinthere |
Kicks_On_66 |
kitso |
LesTheChap |
Matt Stevenson |
musiccitycherry |
Red Stan |
rednblackexile |
Rugby red |
table |
Toronto John |
TrueCherry |
wallmth |