UTC Legend
it's true a player has to be interested in training/improving ...its not like they can turn up to training, sit in a chair the whole time whikst the manager and coaches chant and 'dumps' abilities into the players.There is no such thing as a manager improving a player..that's largely bullsh*t..the player improves himself...the manager can 'tell him' to improve.
Then the player either goes about it or he doesn't...and maybe falls out of favour with said manager. It happens all the time.
Think....if the manager say, was a defender in his playing days....how the f√ck is he going to improve a winger or goalkeeper Mmm...mmm ?
Why do you think pretty much every elite level, professional... even amateur sports man hires coaches? Or team/club he represents supply them?
When they could save money and just download some recommended plans and simply self train?
Look at top level tennis players, boxers... some hace changed their main trainer numerous times.
I know you like to be contrarian, but this outlook is ridiculous. The evidence is there to see without trying too hard to find reasons why... yet you're doubling down?
Of course we can all have opinions, but some are just outrageous. May as well say why do people bother eating... Just man up, don't think about it and get on with it. I dont care what centuries of books say, It's all as load of unessecary nonsense and i know better than the experts.
Its almost that ridiculous
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