Non - Can This Bloke Become President Of The United States?

0.78% drop in my more equity heavy blended funds, 0.52% in the rest.. to be fair you get more movement when someone farts in Tehran. Still any drop is a good time to buy.

We could really do with the dollar dropping thanks, superb value for you guys if you want to head to Europe for a holiday but not us when heading anywhere dollar based.
Exactly mate. Have to be robotic, I just buy similar day most months. Sometimes forget it, by it a few days later. Buy high/low/in between. Key is to ignore noise, negavity and simply dont sell well 'corrections'/crashes occur... which tends to be every 7 to 12 or so years. In same way housing market crashes... and historically always recovers, and surpasses previous highs.

Over long term projected return on those kind of funds is around 8%.. some years higher, some lower. But thats the rough outlook.

I have around quarter of my investments in LS100. I then moved over to Vanguard FTSE all cap. Main difference being the all cap index is 'true' reflection of global market share. Where as Lifestrategy funds are always articifically skewed towards the investors country. iirc LS funds in UK have around 20% invested in UK markets.. whereas true capitalization is roughly 5% for UK.

From research, no big deal really. Just my personal preference, wanting 'pure' reflection.

Mantra you hear tends to be 'time in market' being key. That said, ime, most people feel quite uneasy dumping most their savings/significant numbers (for them) into new investment vehicle in 1 go. 'What happens if market crashes tomorrow...' and procrastration can kick in, as people overthink/analayze and try to forecast best time to invest.

As you mentioned before, big part of it is mental. Ignore noise, theress always a crash, war, scandal looming thats going to rock markets. dont cristalise losses, stick to plan. People recommend having 5, ideally 10+ years outlooks. Just ride out inevitable crashes.

So imo and from what i've noticed, most find it easier to split their initial investment over months. But, unless you're very, very unlucky, over 10 year + horizon, going by historical data, even if you invested say 100k and markets crashed next day, seeing it now worth 70k. Even if you didnt add another penny, apart from reinvest dividends.. 10 years on, that would be worth over 160k, even 200k... despite, initially losing chunk overnight.. if going by 8% compounded, which is generally % people work with for indexes. Its actually been higher than that past decade... and if you put in ISA... which you have 20k a year for stocks/shares, dont pay capital gains. They've always recovered and surpassed previous highs, following crash.. same as housing market.

What would that 100k be worth, if kept in cash account...isa or not... 2% jnterest most the last decade. Inflation ravaging it too, so you've actually lost in real spending terms. Guarenteed to have lost basically, but many have mental block when it comes to keeping money outside of their house or cash bank accounts.

I think £ for £ they're best investment instrument out there for most. Simple, no upkeep/overheard (few mins a year?). Compare that to home ownership, which as Brits most are obsessed with. I looked into rental properties, but outlay and margins, given legislation around it past decade or so... by time you factor in ongoing maintenance, upkeep, fixing stuff, people wrecking the place or not paying for months on end, place being empty etc. PLus unless you're handy and dont mind givign up free time to keep on top of it, I looked at hitorical data and decided index funds its my preffered route.

Which is generally sentiment on investing forums now. IE, unless you really want to be a landlord and have skills or people at disposal to do work, margins dont make sense now. Plus index, you can log into a portal and 'cash in' right away... funds more liquid.

Anyway, sorry to rabbit it on. Another subject I'm quite passionate about... although after doing load of reading, research on it 5+ years ago, probably just spent 10 mins a year on it since, adding funds, setting up payments from time to time ;). You dont need to subscribe to financial times or motley fool...its passive investing.

And as said before, this isn't some weird risky niche thing going on. Its all discussed openly on main stream forums, such as moneysavingexpert. Most peoples workplace pensions are in index funds

This is best entry point imo.... JL Collins stock series. Explains dry subject in engaging, interestting and informative way, for people aren't necessarily financially literate

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large % of pronoun loving woke types though mate ;)

I used to love thought of living out there, but over past few years become aware of a lot of liberal sillyness having quite an effect on the culture... apparently.

no doubt is fine overall, but defo a lot of noise around stuff some eyebrow raisng nonsense... that I'm sure you wouldnt appreciate, knowing your rough outlook on things.

far removed from masculine remote oil towns you'd probably enjoy more :D
That's why I mentioned the liberal effete Trudeau.
Mind ..this Nation is as bad if not worse....and those types compacted into a tiny space in comparison to Canada.

And yeah...Aberdeen was type of fact Scotland suits me generally...
...people speak their mind up there...their honesty is refreshing ...obviously my experiences up there back in the 80s were in public...not on this infernal medium.
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I'm not convinced that that is the target, though. I am seeing reports that less than 1% of the fentanyl coming into the USA comes from the north. Trudeau had already committed CDN$1.3B to enhanced border security, so another CDN$200M is a drop in the bucket.
I have also read that in order to invoke these tariffs, they had to be wrapped in a National Emergency, which might have been so with Mexico but would not have snared Canada into the conversation. So, Canada pledges some extra dosh, and Trump saves face by relenting for a month.

It's all a dance to re-open USMCA and negotiate some better terms for USA. The 51st State stuff is just Trump being an a-hole, he has always used disruption to promulgate change.
I think a key piece may have been the new "intelligence directive" related to fentanyl and organized crime. I think there are some issues with internal security in Canada that have been a sticking point, and that neither party cares to air out in public.
I think a key piece may have been the new "intelligence directive" related to fentanyl and organized crime. I think there are some issues with internal security in Canada that have been a sticking point, and that neither party cares to air out in public.
I’m very interested to know why you think there are issues with internal security in Canada.
I think a key piece may have been the new "intelligence directive" related to fentanyl and organized crime. I think there are some issues with internal security in Canada that have been a sticking point, and that neither party cares to air out in public.
I’m very interested to know why you think there are issues with internal security in Canada.
Yeah, those inner workings are well beyond those on here. Might as well question Homeland Security (USA or UK) or what might be left of the FBI in a few weeks.

It's pretty much window dressing in my view, doesn't cost a lot and gives Trump an out to step back the tariffs.
That's why I mentioned the liberal effete Trudeau.
Mind ..this Nation is as bad if not worse....and those types compacted into a tiny space in comparison to Canada.
Yeah, but like Australia (another nation thats been spoilt by SJW's...), actual spaces where population lived is quite small/focused, despite amount of landmass in the countries.

Was chatting to a woman in bmouth waterstones few weeks back. She popped in and was chatting to a member of staff in there... gauged quite quickly they were lesbians, in a relationship. They started debating trip to Rome.. one of my favourite cities, so after they stopped chatting, I spoke to one visiting shop.

I can't tell difference between US and Canadian acsents, but something made me say, are you from Canada... she was from Toronto. I asked if she likes it there, she said yes, but like all places, has issues.... she started saying something about problems with not enough housing in and around Toronto - some old laws about developing/expanding outwards onto protected land @Toronto John may be able to expand?

. She may have said that after I said about bmouth changing and homeless zombies taking over. Think I asked are you from Canada, as she had blue hair!!!! And like I say, read a lot about SJW/woke types gettiing out of hand in canada, apparently.

Must say, despite, her not being my type physically (and obviously I wasn't hers...), she was really nice, pleasant girl to chat to. No bitterness, attitude, or hostility, or negative vibe at all. Ended up talking for 15 mins about places around world, social stuff and did cross my mind about escalating and getting her number, but felt inappropriate in small store in front of her g/f :D.. just a really nice,good natured, pleasant girl... unlke the drosswith sh1tty attitudes i come across too often online these days. Think I'm in love sctualky
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Yeah, but like Australia (another nation thats been spoilt by SJW's...), actual spaces where population lived is quite small/focused, despite amount of landmass in the countries.

Was chatting to a woman in bmouth waterstones few weeks back. She popped in and was chatting to a member of staff in there... gauged quite quickly they were lesbians, in a relationship. They started debating trip to Rome.. one of my favourite cities, so after they stopped chatting, I spoke to one visiting shop.

I can't tell difference between US and Canadian acsents, but something made me say, are you from Canada... she was from Toronto. I asked if she likes it there, she said yes, but like all places, has issues.... she started saying something about problems with not enough housing in and around Toronto - some old laws about developing/expanding outwards onto protected land @Toronto John may be able to expand?

. She may have said that after I said about bmouth changing and homeless zombies taking over. Think I asked are you from Canada, as she had blue hair!!!! And like I say, read a lot about SJW/woke types gettiing out of hand in canada, apparently.

Must say, despite, her not being my type physically (and obviously I wasn't hers...), she was really nice, pleasant girl to chat to. No bitterness, attitude, or hostility, or negative vibe at all. Ended up talking for 15 mins about places around world, social stuff and did cross my mind about escalating and getting her number, but felt inappropriate in small store in front of her g/f :D.. just a really nice,good natured, pleasant girl... unlke the drosswith sh1tty attitudes i come across too often online these days. Think I'm in love sctualky
Two things
1) I learned to always say are you from Canada if you are not sure if they are US or Canadian.**
2) Never judge a book by it's cover, or hair colour :)

**Similar rule for Aussies vs New Zealanders. Ask if they are from NZ
Yeah, but like Australia (another nation thats been spoilt by SJW's...), actual spaces where population lived is quite small/focused, despite amount of landmass in the countries.

Was chatting to a woman in bmouth waterstones few weeks back. She popped in and was chatting to a member of staff in there... gauged quite quickly they were lesbians, in a relationship. They started debating trip to Rome.. one of my favourite cities, so after they stopped chatting, I spoke to one visiting shop.

I can't tell difference between US and Canadian acsents, but something made me say, are you from Canada... she was from Toronto. I asked if she likes it there, she said yes, but like all places, has issues.... she started saying something about problems with not enough housing in and around Toronto - some old laws about developing/expanding outwards onto protected land @Toronto John may be able to expand?

. She may have said that after I said about bmouth changing and homeless zombies taking over. Think I asked are you from Canada, as she had blue hair!!!! And like I say, read a lot about SJW/woke types gettiing out of hand in canada, apparently.

Must say, despite, her not being my type physically (and obviously I wasn't hers...), she was really nice, pleasant girl to chat to. No bitterness, attitude, or hostility, or negative vibe at all. Ended up talking for 15 mins about places around world, social stuff and did cross my mind about escalating and getting her number, but felt inappropriate in small store in front of her g/f :D.. just a really nice,good natured, pleasant girl... unlke the drosswith sh1tty attitudes i come across too often online these days. Think I'm in love sctualky

So you met and spoke to a woke lefty in real life and discovered the reality? Hopefully you learnt not to listen to everything you read online then ;)

You must have images of herds of purple haired women stampeding across the Canadian plains trying to kill alpha males and take their jobs... ;)
Two things
1) I learned to always say are you from Canada if you are not sure if they are US or Canadian.**
2) Never judge a book by it's cover, or hair colour :)

**Similar rule for Aussies vs New Zealanders. Ask if they are from NZ
There is a little trick for "outing" Canadians. Get them to say the word out, for the Anglophones it mostly sounds like oot. Canadians also use eh? (pronounced ay) as tag much more than any other kind of English as a first language speaker.

The Aussie/Kiwi distinction is much easier.

New Zealand English has undergone a vowel shift (similar to the Northern Cities Shift in the USA) on short vowel sounds. Two examples: instead of cricket, they say crucket and ten cents sound like tin cints.

This can be comical as sacks sounds like sex while sex is six.
I can't tell difference between US and Canadian acsents, but something made me say, are you from Canada... she was from Toronto. I asked if she likes it there, she said yes, but like all places, has issues.... she started saying something about problems with not enough housing in and around Toronto - some old laws about developing/expanding outwards onto protected land @Toronto John may be able to expand?
Well, as you have asked very nicely :)

Full disclosure that I live in a suburb of Toronto called Mississauga (named for a local indigenous people). But, I can walk to Toronto, I'm that close, and if I am headed to a concert, or ball game, or see various doctors and dentists, I drive into Toronto so can attest to some of the issues. Off the top of my head:

1) terrible budget situation, can only raise taxes so far and by law cannot have a budget deficit. So services are declining both in quality and availability.
2) HORRIBLE traffic. Said to rival New York and London, but the public transit (subway and buses) are no where near as good as those two cities. Recent discussions about imposing a congestion charge, but lots of push-back because of said public transit deficiencies.
3) growth, homeless encampments, expensive rentals. Probably no different from any cities which attract more people than it can handle.
4) diminishing green space. Somewhat connected to #3 and also because our Premier is a build/build/build kind of guy. I swear he must get a boner seeing all the trucks coming into the city ...... while I'm stuck in traffic!!
5) rats. This is a relatively new story, but apparently Toronto has the fastest growing rat population behind San Francisco and Washington. Factors cited are increasing temperatures (which promote rat breeding) and no mitigation strategy (costs).

Toronto gets a lot of dislike from other parts of Canada. It was once very haughty about being "the financial centre of Canada", but that chutzpah is long gone, replaced by a general discontent and angst.
There is a little trick for "outing" Canadians. Get them to say the word out, for the Anglophones it mostly sounds like oot. Canadians also use eh? (pronounced ay) as tag much more than any other kind of English as a first language speaker.

The Aussie/Kiwi distinction is much easier.

New Zealand English has undergone a vowel shift (similar to the Northern Cities Shift in the USA). Two examples: instead of cricket, they say crucket and ten cents sound like tin cints.
The first of these is peculiar to only parts of the country. Mostly east coast which has a preponderance of people of British background. Also true to some of the prairie provinces, which also have a large population of people with a British background and also European (german, ukranian).

You will rarely hear oot in Toronto, Alberta or British Columbia.

Eh, however ..... yes that's prevalent. Usually used as an interrogative, but presuming an affirmative response ..... i.e. that was some game on Saturday, eh? Sure was, but that ref really screwed us over, eh?
The first of these is peculiar to only parts of the country. Mostly east coast which has a preponderance of people of British background. Also true to some of the prairie provinces, which also have a large population of people with a British background and also European (german, ukranian).

You will rarely hear oot in Toronto, Alberta or British Columbia.

Eh, however ..... yes that's prevalent. Usually used as an interrogative, but presuming an affirmative response ..... i.e. that was some game on Saturday, eh? Sure was, but that ref really screwed us over, eh?
So how would I elicit an "eh" to litmus test?
I think a key piece may have been the new "intelligence directive" related to fentanyl and organized crime. I think there are some issues with internal security in Canada that have been a sticking point, and that neither party cares to air out in public.
Democracy is too precious to be left to the voters
