Non - Labour Party

Whether or not Reform is an answer...those of us that see the advent of this Nation plummeting further towards 3rd World territory are wanting serious is no way clear at this point but the answers don't appear to be with this incumbent Labour government it was not with those Tories before.
This Nation can support a 70 Million population...but thats at a stretch...use of the land has to have balances between rural and urban needs....and that of course includes housing requirements for any increase in that associated infrastructure meaning more hospitals, GP surgeries and Dentists to cope with said increase.
The influxes into that population figure need strict control...which shows no sign of abating due to inaction... albeit lots of talk about it.

How serious this PM and Home Secretary are taking the 'problem end' of Immigration is mind bogglingly inept so far....indeed Yvette Cooper encouraging further illegal influx and very loose acceptance of applications of Asylum by tampering with Rules of Acceptance previously laid down ( all those currently here being allowed to stay irrespective of their personal circumstances and whether they are a danger to our Women and Girls...and maybe boys in certain cases.
You only have to see the reports of Legitimate Paedo Hunter Groups that find and process these people before handing them over to Police..check them out Online..there is a large amount of foreign and Religiously diverse if we didn't have enough of our own !
That people such as myself might appear to be/ accused of over - dramatising or playing at soothsaying, over- cynicism or doomerism is sad ..because in 2030 and beyond when this situation is beyond any remedy and other primitive Religions with immoral leanings have moved into the majority...the problem will affect that young population...which will be minus us who saw the danger !

This is OUR Nation that we care about...OUR descendants ! :cuppa:
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That's a completely different issue and as someone who doesn't vote reform its one I couldn't care less about. It's their problem.
If they form the next government it is everyone's problem

A lesson learned from the decline and fall of the conservative party is that those who serve the country need to be fit to hold public office
If they form the next government it is everyone's problem

A lesson learned from the decline and fall of the conservative party is that those who serve the country need to be fit to hold public office

There are enough people who don't like them in the media and elsewhere to ensure that they will be vetted by the public if not Reform themselves. This is exactly what happened last time and why they had to kick them out.
If they form the next government it is everyone's problem

A lesson learned from the decline and fall of the conservative party is that those who serve the country need to be fit to hold public office
I know this shower running the country are shite, but it’s a bit early to be panicking about the next government.
If they form the next government it is everyone's problem

A lesson learned from the decline and fall of the conservative party is that those who serve the country need to be fit to hold public office
how's that working for labour? they had 14 years to get their arses in gear and manage to come up with a lying chancellor who claimed to be an economist but turned out was running an office dealing with mortgage complaints
Oh and the thing about “selling off gold” also bullshit. What actually happened was that Gordon Brown decided the UK ought to have a wider spread of investment. The gold prices have absolutely no relation to modern currencies
Feb 1999 £175 per ounce, current price £2,290
not sure what wider spread of investments would give a 1,250% return?

the traders used to call it Brown's Bottom for good reason, you couldn't make it up
There has to be more than a handful of die hard reds on here. The showing is pitiful to be honest.
Druss and SDD beating their drums. Minjninja just trying to confuse everyone.
Any of those with half a brain could see how pitiful it all is.
