Fans' Favourite
Welcome to the 2024/25 fifth season of this, just for fun, competition – The BO Team Selecta. Can anyone beat "deancourt" who has won all four of the previous seasons games?
Remember - One entry now can last the whole season!
The idea is to see how close you can get to the team that is selected each match – not necessarily the team you may want to see – although there is nothing stopping you playing on that basis if you wish.
All you need to do to enter is predict your squad of 20 split between the starting 11 for the match and 9 subs.
In order to make this open to as many people to take part as possible, entries can be ongoing so it is not necessary to make a new entry for each match. So enter either - match by match (i.e. vs Notts Forest) or on an extended basis (i.e. use these selections until further notice). Therefore, players may participate in the whole competition without necessarily entering a new selection each round. Of course, this may limit any chance of winning overall given transfers, injuries and suspensions but it will give everyone who enters at least some extra interest this season.
Therefore, any selections entered will continue until that player enters a revised selection.
Points will be scored as follows: 1 point for each correct starter, 1 point for each correct squad member (including starters) and 1 extra point for each player who gets on the pitch (starters and subs).
This system gives 3 points for each starter whom you select, 2 for anyone else you select in your squad who makes an appearance, and 1 for each of the squad who stays on the bench. Hence rewarding the correct selection of starters.
So, 11 points available for starters, 20 points for squad members and 16 points for appearances – total 47 maximum. There are also bonus points - a bonus of 7 points for a correct starting 11 and 3 points for a correct squad of 20.
The starters and squad will be those at kick off – not those named before warm up, so any last minute changes are just unfortunate.
Entries have to be in an hour and 50 minutes before kick off (based on the Vitals system clock) – so 1:10pm (UK) for a 3:00pm game. I have just amended this as I have just found out that team line ups are now being issued 75 minutes before KO rather than 60.
If you wish to revise an entry – please do so using a separate post, rather than editing your first one as I may not otherwise pick it up. Also, edited posts do not show the time of the last edit after a few days and so if I am late posting up entries I may have to disallow an edited entry - so please, separate posts for revisions.
So, are this seasons selections going to be Bravely Offensive and Boldly Optimistic or will they become BOring, Bloomin Obvious or BO stinkers! Let’s all hope that come the end of the season we are not thinking Bloody Outrageous, but Bournemouth Outstanding!
Time to see who can best match the selections for the first match of the season, which given the options available at this point is going to be interesting to say the least! At this point I am not really expecting anyone to enter before Friday!
Your selections please when you are ready for:
Match 1 – Away v Notts Forest.
Entry deadline 13:10pm
Predictions to be in an hour & 50 mins before kick off of the relevant game including any revisions to original entries. Revisions by separate post please.
Anyone can join in at any time and submit new selections as frequently, or rarely, as they like.
Good Luck All !
Remember - One entry now can last the whole season!
The idea is to see how close you can get to the team that is selected each match – not necessarily the team you may want to see – although there is nothing stopping you playing on that basis if you wish.
All you need to do to enter is predict your squad of 20 split between the starting 11 for the match and 9 subs.
In order to make this open to as many people to take part as possible, entries can be ongoing so it is not necessary to make a new entry for each match. So enter either - match by match (i.e. vs Notts Forest) or on an extended basis (i.e. use these selections until further notice). Therefore, players may participate in the whole competition without necessarily entering a new selection each round. Of course, this may limit any chance of winning overall given transfers, injuries and suspensions but it will give everyone who enters at least some extra interest this season.
Therefore, any selections entered will continue until that player enters a revised selection.
Points will be scored as follows: 1 point for each correct starter, 1 point for each correct squad member (including starters) and 1 extra point for each player who gets on the pitch (starters and subs).
This system gives 3 points for each starter whom you select, 2 for anyone else you select in your squad who makes an appearance, and 1 for each of the squad who stays on the bench. Hence rewarding the correct selection of starters.
So, 11 points available for starters, 20 points for squad members and 16 points for appearances – total 47 maximum. There are also bonus points - a bonus of 7 points for a correct starting 11 and 3 points for a correct squad of 20.
The starters and squad will be those at kick off – not those named before warm up, so any last minute changes are just unfortunate.
Entries have to be in an hour and 50 minutes before kick off (based on the Vitals system clock) – so 1:10pm (UK) for a 3:00pm game. I have just amended this as I have just found out that team line ups are now being issued 75 minutes before KO rather than 60.
If you wish to revise an entry – please do so using a separate post, rather than editing your first one as I may not otherwise pick it up. Also, edited posts do not show the time of the last edit after a few days and so if I am late posting up entries I may have to disallow an edited entry - so please, separate posts for revisions.
So, are this seasons selections going to be Bravely Offensive and Boldly Optimistic or will they become BOring, Bloomin Obvious or BO stinkers! Let’s all hope that come the end of the season we are not thinking Bloody Outrageous, but Bournemouth Outstanding!
Time to see who can best match the selections for the first match of the season, which given the options available at this point is going to be interesting to say the least! At this point I am not really expecting anyone to enter before Friday!
Your selections please when you are ready for:
Match 1 – Away v Notts Forest.
Entry deadline 13:10pm
Predictions to be in an hour & 50 mins before kick off of the relevant game including any revisions to original entries. Revisions by separate post please.
Anyone can join in at any time and submit new selections as frequently, or rarely, as they like.
Good Luck All !
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