Tyrone Mings

This debate is really interesting because while I've seen second hand the harsh treatment Sterling gets and feel for the guy I've never personally felt there were any racist undertones yet players feel differently.

Just because they've come to the conclusion it's because of the colour of their skin doesn't make it true.

I don't listen to drivel on Talksport or read the papers so I'm really not very qualified to comment on the specifics but there's definitely a band wagon mentality and certain players are unfairly picked on but I'm not convinced they are disproportionately black. Ethnicity isn't a science but over half our World Cup squad was "non-white" so it would stand to reason there's a better than evens chance if you're going to pick on someone at random they won't be white.

All this said, I'm pleased that we have a player willing to put himself out there when he could much easier take his pay cheque and keep quiet.
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I think all this has more to do with money than race....Kitson didn't actually mention or even infer anything to do with colour of skin....he highlighted money aspects!

The incident was with Chelsea fans in London where there is history of this subject from crowd and players.....let's leave it there...knowing and being proud of the absence of it at DC!
I think all this has more to do with money than race....Kitson didn't actually mention or even infer anything to do with colour of skin....he highlighted money aspects!

The incident was with Chelsea fans in London where there is history of this subject from crowd and players.....let's leave it there...knowing and being proud of the absence of it at DC!

The point Sterling is making is there are entirely different headlines for black and white players. Just look at the example he posted on Instagram of his 2 Man City colleagues where one is negative about a black player buying his mum a house, then the positive one about the white player buying his mum a house. What is the explanation for that? It was the same paper.

He got so much crap for his gun tattoo yet there are other players in the PL with way more violent tattoos but you don't hear about it. I wonder why?

Edit: This Twitter thread goes over some of the utterly pointless articles about Sterling. Buying things too expensive, buying things too cheap... How can he win? What has he done to be a 'tool' @eaststandred?
Ha, brilliant response. Absolutely no logic or effort to counter the points I've made just "I don't agree" thanks for your opinion mate - filed with all the others.
It doesn’t really bother me where you file it! I just find if a person doesn’t agree with your opinion you get way to excited about it, as has been proved on previous occasions, which is why I tried to bring this discussion to an end as soon as possible. I’m 52 years old and I prefer to develop my own opinions based on those 52 years of history. I just don’t hold the media responsible for racism in any way shape or form, you obviously do but that's ok, as I’ve said surely they wouldn’t get away with it. I’m not going to call you and idiot, as I’ve been previously called over this issue because I don’t think you are. I respect your opinion, you should respect mine.
It doesn’t really bother me where you file it! I just find if a person doesn’t agree with your opinion you get way to excited about it, as has been proved on previous occasions, which is why I tried to bring this discussion to an end as soon as possible. I’m 52 years old and I prefer to develop my own opinions based on those 52 years of history. I just don’t hold the media responsible for racism in any way shape or form, you obviously do but that's ok, as I’ve said surely they wouldn’t get away with it. I’m not going to call you and idiot, as I’ve been previously called over this issue because I don’t think you are. I respect your opinion, you should respect mine.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion - in fact I invited you to back up your opinion with a reasoned argument. Up to you if you do and you certainly don't owe me a response.

What I don't respect is when you wilfully misrepresent what I have said, which you have done hundreds of times on the new ground issue - which you even brought up in this thread, presumably all part of respecting my opinion.

Fwiw I've never said I don't want a new ground I've only ever said the exact opposite. What I have done is explain ad nauseam to you about how property investment decisions work in the real world. You've never listed to a word I've said and accused me of not wanting a new ground time and time again and in completely irrelevant threads. Whenever you do things like that I'm going to go after you because you deserve it.

And to correct you on the subject matter - I don't hold the media responsible for racism because I've got no idea about racism. The players we are discussing clearly do though and I've got no reason to doubt their opinions.
I'd never really thought about the hate Sterling gets in the papers in depth; I'd always just assumed HE specifically had been tagged with the "greedy footballer" label because of all the drama around his transfer to City. I don't know enough about the situation to comment on whether it's racially motivated or not. The behaviour of The Sun and the Mail regarding Sterling, racist or not, has been consistently c**ty though.
Of course you are entitled to your opinion - in fact I invited you to back up your opinion with a reasoned argument. Up to you if you do and you certainly don't owe me a response.

What I don't respect is when you wilfully misrepresent what I have said, which you have done hundreds of times on the new ground issue - which you even brought up in this thread, presumably all part of respecting my opinion.

Fwiw I've never said I don't want a new ground I've only ever said the exact opposite. What I have done is explain ad nauseam to you about how property investment decisions work in the real world. You've never listed to a word I've said and accused me of not wanting a new ground time and time again and in completely irrelevant threads. Whenever you do things like that I'm going to go after you because you deserve it.

And to correct you on the subject matter - I don't hold the media responsible for racism because I've got no idea about racism. The players we are discussing clearly do though and I've got no reason to doubt their opinions.
Only you have said that it’s not viable, you need to go back and read what the club have actually said, brief though it was. Will leave this now, so please don’t 'go after' me again on this or the racism issue.
Only you have said that it’s not viable, you need to go back and read what the club have actually said, brief though it was. Will leave this now, so please don’t 'go after' me again on this or the racism issue.

I did the numbers for you mate. The numbers mean everything and club statements clearly mean absolutely nothing. You just ignored my point, or didn't understand it, and accused me of not wanting a new ground to be built.
Before Sterling explained the gun tattoo it looked bad.

Before Sterling explained his tattoo it was none of our business, it is still none of our business. How anyone chooses to adorn themselves is a hugely personal decision

The fact remains that it was picked up on, and I do wonder why? To claim that the subconscious racist bias doesn't exist within the press and also within the public is naive to the extreme. Accepting that and attempting to compensate is the only way to go forward
Kitson basically said that Sterling should act in a certain way not to show off his wealth. Effectively he should know his place and act accordingly. Ask yourself if he would say that about a posh bloke posting pictures of a nice car or holiday - of course he wouldn't.

Damn right for Kitson to point this out. It's crass and uncalled for from Sterling and only a complete dick would post that kind of thing on Instagram.

I did the numbers for you mate. The numbers mean everything and club statements clearly mean absolutely nothing. You just ignored my point, or didn't understand it, and accused me of not wanting a new ground to be built.
Ha ha you should of told the club as well, not just me, just think how much money you would of saved them if they’d known they were wasting their time!
Ha ha you should of told the club as well, not just me, just think how much money you would of saved them if they’d known they were wasting their time!

I didn't need to - they shelved their plans without my input. Tbh, despite your cloud cuckoo land way of approaching property investment there is no way they didn't look at it the same as everyone else does as I have constantly told you. They may have still gone ahead with it but they'd have known the losses it would involve.
If Sterling or any other player is prepared to take 6 figures into their bank account every week.....then they must be prepared for the interest of jealousies and other weaknesses of society to fire a few arrows. F##k me...........for that money id be happy to have my face tattooed purple and get green grapes poked up my nose every time I took a corner!
The more we make a big deal of insignificant scroats at Stamford Bridge, the worse it will get!
99% of us have never been racist ( or ' subconsciously racist ' before that ridiculous term takes up a life of its own) so let's keep it sensible!
You either are racist or your not!
This country leads the World in Anti-Racism but rare incidents will crop up.
When Sterling takes the field v Afcb at DC next....why not all stand as one and applaud the man for his presence as a great player....to hell with the colour of his shirt or anything else! Afcb can show the way.
It can't be easy of course for players that get picked on......but if they are shown respect from 99.5 % of us it will help!
I didn't need to - they shelved their plans without my input. Tbh, despite your cloud cuckoo land way of approaching property investment there is no way they didn't look at it the same as everyone else does as I have constantly told you. They may have still gone ahead with it but they'd have known the losses it would involve.
ha ha Cloud cuckoo land is it and not just a difference of opinion then and everyone else! I have to say you come across as an incredibly arrogant person.
It's not a difference of opinion. I earn my living in that field - It's not my opinion it is how the industry works.
You being in the trade doesn’t stop me and many others, including on this site having a different opinion to you
You being in the trade doesn’t stop me and many others, including on this site having a different opinion to you

We haven't got a difference of opinion - we both want a new ground. All I have said is that the ground won't be a good investment in property terms so the owner will have to stump up cash of his own to subsidise it.

Imagine you and a bricklayer agreed that a new wall needed building. He tells you that you need to use running bond or stretcher bond otherwise the wall will fall down. You are saying "no just stack them on top of each other and don't tell me my opinion is wrong".
