Non Extinction Rebellion

I do everything required of me here in France.
Sometimes above and beyond the call.

Are you part of a local beach cleaning club Gary?
If not I can put you in touch with a very good friend who organises a fortnightly one in the area. Sunday mornings I believe.
Nearly the end of the season, why not!

What! With my back.
Its somewhat telling that those on here who disagree with the protesters and some even the idea that we can stop climate change also fall on the same side of the argument on the brexit thread. Curious.

'I don't read read the main newspapers, they are all the same, just fake news'
"where did you get that idea from?"
As much as I agree with the protesters point of view, attackiing the public transport system appears to go completely against greener solutions to commuting!

Perhaps I don't understand...
Agree. The sentiment is sound, but whoever came up with the idea of stopping the DLR is certainly not very good at PR.
Its somewhat telling that those on here who disagree with the protesters and some even the idea that we can stop climate change also fall on the same side of the argument on the brexit thread. Curious.

Lets hope the people suggesting Brexit would wreck our car Industry aren't supporting this zero emissions by 2025 farce. That would devastate it.
Our carbon emissions are a relative drop in the ocean compared to countries like China. We need global change, so while I understand and empathize with where the protesters are coming from, I don't think that dicking about in the centre of London, gluing yourself to random **************** and graffiting buildings is going to help much with the global revolution that is needed to stop the damage we're doing to our planet.
Our carbon emissions are a relative drop in the ocean compared to countries like China. We need global change, so while I understand and empathize with where the protesters are coming from, I don't think that dicking about in the centre of London, gluing yourself to random **** and graffiting buildings is going to help much with the global revolution that is needed to stop the damage we're doing to our planet.

Not strictly true. While emissions within UK borders are admittedly relatively low, largely due to our service based economy, the UK is still one of the world’s largest net importers of CO2 emissions in traded goods. Look at a breakdown of emissions per capita, including imports / exports / transport etc. and you'll see we are a major contributor.
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Our carbon emissions are a relative drop in the ocean compared to countries like China. We need global change, so while I understand and empathize with where the protesters are coming from, I don't think that dicking about in the centre of London, gluing yourself to random **** and graffiting buildings is going to help much with the global revolution that is needed to stop the damage we're doing to our planet.

Countries like China produce so many carbon emissions because they supply the West’s addiction to plastic and material goods. They make them cheap and we don’t care how they are made or at what cost to the environment.

The political, legal and financial systems which underpin the capitalist consumerist model for the UK driving up global carbon emissions are based in London. Therefore I’d say it’s a pretty good location for a protest. You can argue about their methods but at the moment we need something radical to make the powers sit up and listen to prevent irreversible damage. Not saying this is it but I can understand why they are driven to extreme measures.
You can argue about their methods but at the moment we need something radical to make the powers sit up and listen to prevent irreversible damage. Not saying this is it but I can understand why they are driven to extreme measures.

So what protest/demonstration/action is socially and politically acceptable but is also effective and has some impact? Even the bloody schoolkids got castigated in some quarters because they took a day off school. Even Greta Thunberg gets criticised FFS.

I agree that this may not be the best approach and, indeed, may even be counter productive but the question remains... what do we do then?
The biggest hypocrisy of all is calling themselves “ extinction rebellion “ .

I hate to bring it to the handwringers attention but there’s been an extinction event going on on this planet for millennia .Strangely enough since we turned up on the scene tens of thousands of species have gone extinct .Theres only one answer to “ saving the planet “ less humans .
The biggest hypocrisy of all is calling themselves “ extinction rebellion “ .

I hate to bring it to the handwringers attention but there’s been an extinction event going on on this planet for millennia .Strangely enough since we turned up on the scene tens of thousands of species have gone extinct .Theres only one answer to “ saving the planet “ less humans .

Population control is a large part of the solution for sure but it doesn't fit in with the capitalist model where the number of consumers must carry on increasing ad infinitum.

Humans have happily existed in harmony with nature in tribes around the world since the dawn of human history. We just choose to ignore their lessons and instead view them as inferior and take and commodify their homelands and resources.
The biggest hypocrisy of all is calling themselves “ extinction rebellion “ .

I hate to bring it to the handwringers attention but there’s been an extinction event going on on this planet for millennia .Strangely enough since we turned up on the scene tens of thousands of species have gone extinct .Theres only one answer to “ saving the planet “ less humans .

The richest 10% of the global population contribute 50% of emissions. This rises to 70% for the richest 20%. Over consumption is the problem, not population.

So what protest/demonstration/action is socially and politically acceptable but is also effective and has some impact? Even the bloody schoolkids got castigated in some quarters because they took a day off school. Even Greta Thunberg gets criticised FFS.

I agree that this may not be the best approach and, indeed, may even be counter productive but the question remains... what do we do then?

It does not need to be politically acceptable. Political systems are just ideas that can be changed. It can be socially acceptable if people alter their mindset.

For me any movement needs to be non-violent but also forceful. Apathy and falling back in line just plays to the hands of the rich and powerful who want to maintain the status quo. Really though it should disrupt those rich and powerful more than the common folk trying to get on with their day.
Population control is a large part of the solution for sure but it doesn't fit in with the capitalist model where the number of consumers must carry on increasing ad infinitum.

Humans have happily existed in harmony with nature in tribes around the world since the dawn of human history. We just choose to ignore their lessons and instead view them as inferior and take and commodify their homelands and resources.

Is there anything you don’t blame on capitalism ?

No humans haven’t existed in harmony that’s a myth .We we’re just getting our numbers up , wherever we go since prehistoric times animals go extinct .
A slight aside, but when you go in some supermarkets even though some fruit and vegetables are loose and some in plastic bags, the loose ones you see people get plastic bags to put them in.

For our American friends on here, do you still have the paper bags without handles in you supermarkets?
