Non: Sala, Cardiff and Nantes

It all depends on the terms but probably yes. In theory you could be required to work the notice period in the contract. In practice not may employers would want to do that. I suppose damages could be a possibility.
here would also be a signing on fee that his family is now entitled to.
What about if a person leaves a company.
He signs A contract with a new company.
He heads home for the weekend ready to start work on Monday. Sadly is killed in a car crash, Does his new firm honour his contract that may have life cover, although he has not done a days work?

I don't feel the other response answered your question. This is the contract between the employer and employee, e.g. in this case Sala and Cardiff.

I think the start date of the contract will mean that the new company is not liable to pay and the end date of the previous employment means neither is the old company. If the guy left on Tuesday and started Wednesday it could be more complex if he dies between leaving work on Tuesday and starting Wednesday.

Player registrations are different in that there is no period where the player is a free agent (for obvious reasons) so there will be a legal document that when signed will signify the transfer along with the compensation agreement probably from the time of signature.
Awful en-masse display of the modern “ look at us , we’re so upset , look how upset we are , look “

Exactly, obviously not entirely comparible, but I strongly believe the 'tears' we've seen after teams getting knocked out come from a similar place. Look how upset we are everyone. Let's see if we can appear the most emotionally distraught after a game. Not entirely sincere imo. Pathetic.
They seem to have a two=pronged defence.

1. They didn't sign him.
2. Even though they hadn't signed him, they would have told the insurance company they had if their broker had told them it mattered.
"Hello? Is that the MegaBig Insurance Company. I'd like to insure a house. No, it isn't my house and I will refute anybody that tells you any different but I'd like to insure it anyway. Oh, and it burnt down yesterday. Is that ok?"

What an absolute bunch of shysters.
