Non Keown

Which is why MOTD is so boring these days. More time is spent on the pundits giving their ‘expert’ view than on the football itself.
Instead of MotD I’ve watched the 3-minute Sky Sports highlights of very PL match on Youtube for a couple of years now, thus avoiding the top six love-in.

Also: yes, Keown really is a twa*.
Keown and Alan Smith make me yearn for the days of Andy Townsend… turns out he wasn’t so bad after all.
Alan Smith has a very therapeutic voice; anyone suffering from insomnia, stress, anxiety or just needs a good kip, only has to listen to his voice for a minute or 2 and they will be in the land of nod.
I preferred the days when you ONE commentator…all this expert stuff is bunkum I think we can as fans work out what is going on when we watch matches!
Most proper coms just said very little… nowadays they blab too much
Barry Davies was great - he would quite happily criticise where he thought necessary, whilst commentating in a fair and balanced way.
