A bit of sanity returns to the world. Non

Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million in the Presidential election. Trump will do nothing for the States where he won the mandate, as witnessed by Democrats now winning in Alabama, and it is likely that Trump will lose states next time round, not win them. eg he will now find it even more difficult to get his legislation through the Senate.

Hillary will certainly have her sights on winning the next election, especially given yesterday's result and Trump's current poor poll ratings.

As for the nonsense that she is around for making money, she has more than enough money already.
Forbes magazine estimated in 2016 that the Clintons' tax returns for the 15 years since leaving the White House in 2001, showed they had amassed approx. $240 million.

Bernie Sanders will not be allowed by the party machinery to come anywhere near winning the Democrat nomination.
There's a hint of something in the air here and I'll think we'll start to see a few turnarounds come the 2018 midterms. Steve Bannon has totally humiliated and alienated Trump by forcing him to support Moore and I think we'll see the GOP become increasingly unmoored from its roots leading to some kind of schism, or at least the party is going to resemble the Tories during the Blair years where they become mired in second guessing their core base.

The Hillary/Blair comparison is right on. I think the Dems are a few years behind Labour in terms of having to seriously re-examine the legacy of rampant neoliberalism but I would be shocked if Hillary runs in 2020 and even more shocked that if she did, she won the nomination. Progressive Dems have got a battle on their hands to reshape the party but there is vital work being done. Honestly, I think Sanders is going to have another go at it but think that someone like Elizabeth Warren is going to emerge as one of the frontrunners.

