Cherries Trust AGM


Star Player
10 mins until the meeting starts... and AFCB fans are flocking into the Balfour Suite (the bar). I make it 10 hardy souls... myself included.
Unfortunately the CT are not recognised by the club/the club have no appetite to engage so, as well meaning as the CT is (and those involved with it), I can understand the apathy.
Actually the Cherries Trust is recognised by the club and they have twice yearly meetings with people at board level. Apparently all Premier League clubs have to have a supporters’ trust but some are more successful than others (they tend to come into play more at times of crisis... and recently that hasn’t thankfully applied to us).
So in effect the club is paying lip service in order to comply with PL regulations.

I have no wish to do the CT a disservice but what exactly has been achieved by way of these twice yearly meetings other than...a meeting?
Come along to a meeting and you would find out. I agree that there probably is an element of lip-service but the conversations have led to some changes and improvements.
