
I missed this earlier in the week but thanks so much for sharing. So many of us have shared some of our very best moments and memories watching our team with those we love. I hope today's result raised a cheer from all those now in the Dean Court in the sky.
Thank you everyone for all your kind words and thoughts. Vitals is a wonderful community of afcb fans, and to have your support has been heartwarming.

I'll be going to tomorrows game with my brother who has been coming along these last few months. We'll be thinking of Dad, and I'll be taking a chunky kit-kat (or two) as a special memory.

Then, if I can wait that long, I'll be back bickering with everyone on Monday. ;-)

Thank you all. Up The Cherries.
RT Senior must have been shining down.
Those Kit-Kats were a lovely touch Rob. Nobody who met your Dad will forget him. A man with no side to him; a really decent, honest human being.
If you want my ticket for the next home game, so both brothers can be there with you, you're very welcome to it. I'll drop it round to you.
Those Kit-Kats were a lovely touch Rob. Nobody who met your Dad will forget him. A man with no side to him; a really decent, honest human being.
If you want my ticket for the next home game, so both brothers can be there with you, you're very welcome to it. I'll drop it round to you.
Thats really kind of you rgb. One of my brothers is away for a short while, but if there is another time that suits I would very much like to take you up on the offer.
