Just putting it out there

We want it in our History !

We want to be able smash down this type of dope when bantering with the ScumSurfers and the flinty - @rsed mob from Sussex...P-ortsmiff have also battled in Europe since Nelson whupped that Pete-Charlie de Villeneuve woofter at Trafalgar !

'Putting it Out There' is the desired default of any English campaign as I see it.
Bloody hell Brian - I didn't know you sailed with Nelson! That is impressive!
Personally I don't think we'll make Europe this season, will be a few points off. But nothing wrong with dreaming. And let's face it, if it did come about, there wouldn't be many on here saying they'd rather not be there. I've just renewed my passport anyway, so let's dream on.....
I'm not ready for a European tour. This will have to wait until the 2025-26 season. I have no holiday left.

I suppose I could request unpaid leave and jack the job in if they turn down the request.
I suggest a Migraine or really bad cold. Seems to work for some of my colleagues.
