NON : Bands/Artists You Got Into AFTER You Grew Up

I have followed Greta van Fleet from the beginning! New album out soon...
Missed them by one day in Barcelona on their first European tour. My ambition is to go the U.S. and see them live.
They put on a really good "show", by that I mean great stage presence, bombastic smoke and pyro, to thousands of screaming fans. A real throwback. They do need some more material so a new album would be just the ticket.

Come see them in Toronto ....... I'd be there for sure.
Have gone through many a musical metamorphosis from punk and ska to soul and jazz.
Love listening to the whole TSOP music but recently have listened a lot to
Dirty Loops ( for my two penneth the best bass player I’ve heard.(Henrik Linder) Up there and beyond Jako Pistorius)
Tower of Power
Cory Wong and the Wongnotes
Sierra Hull

And I don’t mind admitting to loving a bit of Yacht Rock of a summer’s evening

Vulfpeck, watched some videos on Youtube during lockdown, really liked them, then life restarted and not owning an actual CD of theirs I forgot about them.

Another one that came up on Youtube was Muete, a sort of grungy looking marching band playing dance music. Thought they look good and would fit in well at festivals, next time I looked after lockdown, they're playing arenas with light shows and about a million views : )

Also a Scottish women's jazz collective called Caladonia playing Ya'Bassa at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival popped up one drunken Friday night : )
Whilst my mates were loving Oasis, which I thought was the same song over and over again, I got well into Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly
