Non - Bastille Day Attack - In Nice


UTC Legend
At least 73 people are reported to have been killed and dozens injured after a truck ploughed into a crowd in an apparent attack in the French city of Nice.

Eyewitnesses say the driver picked up speed to slam the lorry into revellers celebrating Bastille Day along the city's famous Promenade des Anglais.

There are unconfirmed reports that he then emerged from the vehicle and started shooting.
I know it's early days but France really seems to be getting more than their share .Why is France being singled out for these attacks ?
"France is badly hit," Mr Hollande said, adding that "we need to do everything we can to fight against" such attacks.
"All of France is under the threat of Islamic terrorism," he said, adding that several children were among the dead.

Nothing else so far to suggest Islamic but Hollande already saying that, which surprised me. Usually authorities like to be more cautious.

80-100 dead, FFS. What the hell can you do to stop a lorry steaming in at speed? Then getting out with guns, crazy world.
Seems to be one man, one lorry that has caused this carnage with 84 people dead and others critically injured.

Mentioning it was a local man, they have mentioned ID found was of a French/Tunisian.

As one French person talking on radio this morning mentioned, this is probably more worrying than the previous attacks, in that how can you stop something like this happening.

Probably lots of British tourists on holiday over there as well.
Talk about calling up 10,000-army reservists and placing some of them on all French boarders, but if the radicalised nutters are already within as French nationals, what the hell can you do?
northstandmark - 15/7/2016 07:17

What the hell can you do to stop a lorry steaming in at speed? Then getting out with guns, crazy world.

Absolutely f*cking nothing!!!! and that is the harsh reality... For every 1 person the security services 'know about' there are dozens they don't...

I often think about this at major events etc. That there is nothing they can do if some crazed tit, wakes up one morning and decides to walk into a busy area, onto a bus, down to the tube, and blow themselves up, or start shooting...

The World is going to poo. This has F*ck all to do with religion anymore (if indeed it ever did), it's about a hatred for the West and it's ideologies. These people will never stop...

I really feel for the French as they do seem to be getting the brunt of these attacks, however, lets not forget that these types of things are almost weekly events in the Middle east... Yet they go unreported nowadays
wallmth - 15/7/2016 00:51

I know it's early days but France really seems to be getting more than their share .Why is France being singled out for these attacks ?

This article may help to understand why France.
four main reasons France is brunt of it Wallmth:

1)France colonised far more Muslim countries with large populations than Britain.Huge intake of people from Algeria, Morrocco, Tunisia, Lebanon etc.... Britains main influxes were from Christian and Hindu/Sikh countries of India/West Indies. Pakistan our only really Muslim influx.

2) immigration to Uk was earlier (50s, 60's) so the fewer Muslims that did come are now third or fourth generation and are less radicalised. France has far more first and second generation Muslim immigrants.

3) Britain, for all we beat ourselves up, is arguably the most accepting nation towards immigrants. They largely integrated into communities and workplaces with ease, racial tension over the last 40 years being the exception and not the norm. France has much more ghettoisation with huge concentrated no go estates on the edge of big cities with much poorer facilities. This aides disenfranchisement and radicalisation.

4) Britain is an island. While we have open borders (at the mo) with Europe they are still obvious borders in as much as you have to fly or sail in to a controlled point. This makes it very hard for known terrorists to get in and our security forces are good. France shares borders with countries with shambolic security (Belgium) and there is no way of stopping a criminal slipping through a forest from, say, Germany into France. Germany, which recently has taken in millions of decent desperate immigrants but also no doubt some less innocent ones too.
No big comment from me on this thread for fear of upsetting my usual fan club of sympathisers and pacifists.

Don't pray for the people of Nice, as it is prayer that caused this.
RIP to 84 souls.
Spent a few days in Nice during Euros. Venue for Iceland game. Really enjoyed the city and its people. Friendly beautiful city. Wanting to go back again and will not be put of by this sad event. Areas like Marseille and Nice are noticeably multi cultural. Marseille is my least favourite city whereas the atmosphere in Nice seemed relaxed and friendly. My thoughts are with those affected and hope something good can come out of so much evil. It is always the innocent that suffer in situations like these
afcb.czech - 15/7/2016 11:38

Are we allowed to say there is a problem with radicalization in Islam yet or is it still racist?

I rather fear that there is a greater problem in Europe with the spread of American spelling.

afcb.czech - 15/7/2016 11:38

Are we allowed to say there is a problem with radicalization in Islam yet or is it still racist?

Do you feel like people haven't been able to say this? I'm sure I've heard it mentioned by people before.

Neil Dawson - 15/7/2016 09:54

four main reasons France is brunt of it Wallmth:

1)France colonised far more Muslim countries with large populations than Britain.Huge intake of people from Algeria, Morrocco, Tunisia, Lebanon etc.... Britains main influxes were from Christian and Hindu/Sikh countries of India/West Indies. Pakistan our only really Muslim influx.

2) immigration to Uk was earlier (50s, 60's) so the fewer Muslims that did come are now third or fourth generation and are less radicalised. France has far more first and second generation Muslim immigrants.

3) Britain, for all we beat ourselves up, is arguably the most accepting nation towards immigrants. They largely integrated into communities and workplaces with ease, racial tension over the last 40 years being the exception and not the norm. France has much more ghettoisation with huge concentrated no go estates on the edge of big cities with much poorer facilities. This aides disenfranchisement and radicalisation.

4) Britain is an island. While we have open borders (at the mo) with Europe they are still obvious borders in as much as you have to fly or sail in to a controlled point. This makes it very hard for known terrorists to get in and our security forces are good. France shares borders with countries with shambolic security (Belgium) and there is no way of stopping a criminal slipping through a forest from, say, Germany into France. Germany, which recently has taken in millions of decent desperate immigrants but also no doubt some less innocent ones too.

This and I have a strong feeling that the security services in France are the weakest amoungst the major European powers.
Well I was in a good mood after training last night until I heard about Michael Carberry and then Nice.

Also watched the Ross Kemp ISIS documentary - which didn't help the mood, although it was a great bit of TV.
Neil Dawson - 15/7/2016 09:54

four main reasons France is brunt of it Wallmth:

1)France colonised far more Muslim countries with large populations than Britain.Huge intake of people from Algeria, Morrocco, Tunisia, Lebanon etc.... Britains main influxes were from Christian and Hindu/Sikh countries of India/West Indies. Pakistan our only really Muslim influx.

I don't disagree with your other points but I don't think this holds much water. There are over 500 million Muslims in Pakistan, Indian and Bangladesh which dwarfs the Muslim population in the countries you mention. France does have significantly more Muslims though - probably as much to do with it's geographical location and the proximity of it's Muslim colonies.

beds cherry - 15/7/2016 13:54

Well I was in a good mood after training last night until I heard about Michael Carberry and then Nice.

Also watched the Ross Kemp ISIS documentary - which didn't help the mood, although it was a great bit of TV.

Ross Kemp had balls of steel on last nights show. How many TV actors would have run through open fields under sniper fire on the front line of the ISIS battle.
Kudos - 15/7/2016 13:52

This and I have a strong feeling that the security services in France are the weakest amoungst the major European powers.

Went on holiday to Lake Garda back in May and we went by train.

Going through security at Eurostar at St Pancras was more thorough than when we last went, everybody was frisked, only used to be done if someone set off the alarm walking through the scanner or the odd random check.

On return from Paris the only check at Gare Du Nord was the luggage through the scanner and people walking through the scanner.
