Non Bees new stadium

I brushed me Hampstead's, put on me whistle, brushed me Barnet, checked me kettle, grabbed me dog, legged it down the Apple and pears, jumped in the jam jar and shot off to meet the trouble.
Aaah...cockney rhyming slang, whats not to love.
No it's real DJ the BBC said so. In defence of those lovable rogues , the number of people that throw in the odd bit of rhyming and don't even know it, my dear mum always used to tell me to get "My plates of meat off the sofa" when I was little, it slipped in all over the place just without rhyming cuts & I confess to be a "Butchers" user. Think that was down to having played the "old" Eastenders fruit machine down Bournemouth Pier "Come and have a Butchers round the square" :eek!:
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A friend used to throw "Leave it out, knock it on the 'ead John, ********************************" into conversation every now and then for effect.
This has opened up a whole new linguistic world to me . . .
Kind of reminds me of some Parisian (French) slang where they flip the parts of a word around.
great video, ta for sharing. love the site & area, but not sure how I feel bout the stadium? it looks quite small, and seems to have a shallow slope - perhaps a little underwhelming? will probly be great when complete.
