Non HM The Queen

Twitter lighting up with some trends about the Queen/London Bridge (not good). Probably BS but any rumours on that side of the pond doing the rounds?
Well twitter slapped that **************** down. First adding a headline sayin no confirmed reports then completely removing the trends. So there’s that
The Guardian says: monarch under medical observation as doctors concerned for health. Prince Charles there William on his way.
The way that I just heard this, it's terrible news.

Sad to say that Charles will become king eventually, but now could hardly be a worse time.
Very much so. Headlining the news over here. I realize that she won't go on forever, but does feel like a bit of a gut-punch to read and hear this.

Imagine there will be a lot of interest in the country next door to yours re the Queen, as Buckingham Palace seems to attract a lot of tourists from over there, when touring the UK, possibly hoping to catch a glimpse of her.
