Non - Mad Mike


Star Player
Bizarre that a chap clever enough to build a steam powered rocket capable of going over 500m in the air could not accept that the Earth is flat!

It was a manned rocket so unfortunately for Mike he's no longer with us. Clips on twitter show what look like his parachute (the rockets) deploying soon after take off and ripping to shreds with the rocket and few seconds later plummeting back down to Earth at the mercy of gravity.
A quick calculation s=ut + 1/2 a x (txt) estimates he probably got at least 600m in the air this time.

There's surely enough evidence on the net to convince anyone that we live on a sphere. It's not rocket science to know where to look.

A sad end to a character .... RIP
A complete nutter, we wouldnt have progressed as a society without the occasional nutter risking all for progression. But you're right, the physics alone about satellite launches and orbits that is basic knowledge to anyone building rockets that the earth must be round, shows he was a little eccentric
Sadly for Mike he might have just discovered the centre of the earth ? The world is a poorer place with the loss of characters like Mike, RIP
A complete nutter, we wouldnt have progressed as a society without the occasional nutter risking all for progression. But you're right, the physics alone about satellite launches and orbits that is basic knowledge to anyone building rockets that the earth must be round, shows he was a little eccentric
A little eccentric !!!! :D
