Non - MP Stabbed

Dreadful news. A thoroughly decent human being by all accounts, dedicated to his community and thoughts are with his family who will of course be devastated.

It seems that the security of MPs will be reviewed again albeit no one can legislate for the actions of a fanatical terrorist nutter or someone with serious mental health issues.

By the same token politicians do need to temper the rhetoric and also the way they interact sometimes. While all too often the behaviour of some, perpetuated by the media in all its forms, appears more recently to fuel anger and hatred. None of this justifies violence of any kind let alone cold blooded murder.

A very sad day indeed.
Interesting to see which faction of the bloody 'orities the murderer comes from..religious... politically 'stressed'. or mentally disturbed...?
There will be more ...until this countries Governments, Police...and teachers ..get a grip ?
"There will be more "....unfortunately I think you are right......there are a lot of strange desperate people out there.....and these are strange times....:confused:
Surely anybody prepared to commit murder is mentally disturbed, regardless of colour, creed etc?
Depends how you describe mentally disturbed. Where do you draw the line between evil and ‘mentally disturbed?’ Should we class Isis as mentally disturbed and have empathy with them for the horrific acts they commit?
R.I.P. by all accounts sounded like a very decent man, heart breaking for his family. Not shocked by it at all though, it’s happened before and it will likely happen again unfortunately.
The killer described as a ' British National ' on the News...from Somalia.
Now reported as a Terrorist Act.
Perhaps we need to be slightly more vigilant, security savvy, enquiring and selective ....when we decide to ... 'Nationalise' an individual from these places.
So ...we have had a British National murdering a British National ...and in this case in the name of Terrorism ..and I daresay linked back to Religion at the origin of the individuals 'Issues'.
Just be comforted that he is now reunited with the imaginary bloke in the sky that he regularly took the knee for.

What a twattish thing to say. Nobody gives a toss whether you are religious or not yet here you are on a tribute thread to a dead man telling everyone anyway and insulting him into the bargain.
