Non - The Islamic State bride

...Therefore if this woman has the right under Bangladeshi law to its citizenship (whether or not she has, or wants to, exercise that right), she isn’t stateless and the Home Secretary can deprive her of UK citizenship. As I understand she is entitled to Bangladeshi citizenship because her mother is a Bangladeshi citizen. Ergo she is not stateless...

Being able to apply for Bangladeshi citizenship, as opposed to being a Bangladeshi citizen are two different things.

If she doesn't already have Bangladeshi citizenship then revoking her British citizenship makes her stateless.

If she applies for Bangladeshi citizenship and they refuse her application then she's stateless.

If she doesn't apply for Bangladeshi citizenship then she's stateless.

It's most likely she's coming back.

The more important question is what to do with all these 'returnees'?

There's already around 450 in the UK and only 40 to 50 have been prosecuted.
Being able to apply for Bangladeshi citizenship, as opposed to being a Bangladeshi citizen are two different things.

If she doesn't already have Bangladeshi citizenship then revoking her British citizenship makes her stateless.

If she applies for Bangladeshi citizenship and they refuse her application then she's stateless.

If she doesn't apply for Bangladeshi citizenship then she's stateless.

It's most likely she's coming back.

The more important question is what to do with all these 'returnees'?

There's already around 450 in the UK and only 40 to 50 have been prosecuted.

Thereby lies the problem for the safety of our people.

Think the rule book needs updating to take account of recent events in the last few years and primarily for the safety of people in all countries besides our own where they are a threat.
...Think the rule book needs updating to take account of recent events in the last few years and primarily for the safety of people in all countries besides our own where they are a threat.

And then you're back at the question already posed by someone else.

If we refuse to let people back in then so can other countries, and who knows who and what we might be stuck with if that happened.
Being able to apply for Bangladeshi citizenship, as opposed to being a Bangladeshi citizen are two different things.

If she doesn't already have Bangladeshi citizenship then revoking her British citizenship makes her stateless.

If she applies for Bangladeshi citizenship and they refuse her application then she's stateless.

If she doesn't apply for Bangladeshi citizenship then she's stateless.

It's most likely she's coming back.

The more important question is what to do with all these 'returnees'?

There's already around 450 in the UK and only 40 to 50 have been prosecuted.
Are the other 400 (non-prosecuted) running free or are they banged-up somewhere? (Legit question). You have this great Tower, but it unfortunately has been turned into a tourist spot! (not legit comment). :throw:
Between 400 and 450 have returned to the UK.

The returns are spread over some years, they've not all come back this year.

Apparently, of those approximately 40 to 50 have been prosecuted.

It was in a BBC online article about the girl and the UK's options but I can't find the exact piece (there's been so many on this in recent weeks).
Being able to apply for Bangladeshi citizenship, as opposed to being a Bangladeshi citizen are two different things.

If she doesn't already have Bangladeshi citizenship then revoking her British citizenship makes her stateless.

If she applies for Bangladeshi citizenship and they refuse her application then she's stateless.

If she doesn't apply for Bangladeshi citizenship then she's stateless.

It's most likely she's coming back.

According to the BBC she is automatically a Bangladeshi citizen because her mother is and she is under 21. She doesn’t need to have applied for Bangladeshi citizenship.
What Bangladesh chooses to do is irrelevant to the lawfulness of the decision.

It is enough that the Home Secretary can be satisfied on reasonable grounds that she will not become stateless as a result of revoking her UK citizenship. If Bangladeshi law says that all children of Bangladeshi nationals are automatically Bangladeshi citizens until they are 21 and she is the 19 year old child of a Bangladeshi national then that is enough to meet the requirements of both UK law and the definition in the 1954 UN convention.
Doesn’t look like there will need to be a second vote about this.

The vast majority of the British public support the home secretary's decision to remove the UK citizenship of Islamic State recruit Shamima Begum, a Sky Data poll reveals.

Eight in 10 Britons (78%) think Sajid Javid was right to remove the 19-year-old's citizenship, with 15% saying he was wrong, and 7% unsure.
My solution, and bearing in mind Trump wants us to take back all these IS prisoners from Syria, is to revoke the US lease on Diego Garcia, and stick all the fickers there. This woman included.

Radical solution for radical people.
My solution, and bearing in mind Trump wants us to take back all these IS prisoners from Syria, is to revoke the US lease on Diego Garcia, and stick all the fickers there. This woman included.

Radical solution for radical people.
Diego Garcia .... sounds like the new second baseman for the Blue Jays.

That said, Gitmo me.
Guantanamo Bay Military Prison:
1. The inmates have been detained indefinitely without trial ... OK by me.
2. Several detainees have been tortured .... am opposed to that.
3. The operations of this camp are considered to be a major breach of human rights by Amnesty International .... don't care.
At least she’s uniting the country about something ....maybe in her next interview she’ll announce she’s a remainer :bow:

Every time she opens her mouth she makes it worse. Nobody would believe her anyway but it doesn't take a genius just to say "I regret everything, they made me do it, Isis is evil, brexit means brexit"
Now another wants to come back.

Will he receive the same treatment from Javid?

Also has joint nationality.

A Muslim convert dubbed Jihadi Jack, who was captured in Syria, has said he misses his mother and wants to come home to Britain.

Jack Letts, 23, who fled his middle class home in Oxford in 2014, and was later accused of joining Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil), said he now considers the UK his home and he believes he should be allowed to return.

Speaking from the Kurdish prison camp in Northern Syria, where he has been held for the past two years, ago, Letts denounced Isil, but admitted he thought the terrorist attacks on the Bataclan in Paris in 2015 were a "good thing".
Is it being buried under other news or are they banned from reporting it? Seems like that article claims both, which doesn't add up.
