Parker, tactics and the board

My guess is he wanted to say something like, "we showed too much respect to Arsenal, we showed too much humility, we were deferential."

But I guess he got his words mangled up a bit.
When it comes to prose he has always been more Craig Shakespeare than William Shakespeare but yes I think it was the fact we were too humble that he was trying to get at.
I really do hope this practicing the first half line up for when we play “weaker” teams isn’t really a thing . .. what we saw on Saturday will be a nil nil draw at best and another humping at worse , there are no teams in the PL that wouldn’t love to come up against that formation away from home .
im not denigrating a well organised performance. I’m just pointing out before it gets used too much as a blueprint that the chances are if you have 34% possession in any match and create 3 chances you won’t win many games of football. One of our goals was deflected… on another day that deflection doesn’t fall as kindly… We have to either up possession higher up the pitch or create more chances. We’ve had two shots on target in the subsequent 180 mins so five shots on target in three games of football. Ask Fulham fans how this pans out….
If we hadn’t scored early on then perhaps the approach would have been different.
If you want to go really old school, I remember playing 'play by mail' football manager games! Now that really was slow paced! Posting off your team selection for that week's fixtures, then awaiting the results to come later that week in the post! Fun times!

Yes , I played one of those - cellotaping my paper round pennies to the tacticscform and sending it off - felt cool , thinking you were putting your wits against other supporters…..
Yes , I played one of those - cellotaping my paper round pennies to the tacticscform and sending it off - felt cool , thinking you were putting your wits against other supporters…..
Hard to imagine these days but that sounds absolutely brilliant !
I wasn't aware that there was such a thing but I love the sound of it.
Lovely stuff !
If we hadn’t scored early on then perhaps the approach would have been different.

That's the question, isn't it? It could be Parker wanted them to be defensive in preparation for the following three matches. It could have been a product of the early goal. Or, it could be this is the approach for the season.

I expect to see exactly the same approach on Saturday so roll on 31st August when we find out what the season will actually look like. we are going to get dicked by most teams IF we just let the opposition unchallenged time on the ball....the teams scrapping at the bottom need to up their game in terms of aggression and tempo. Good players don't need much time on the ball but if we press better they are more likely to make a mistake or two.
I was disappointed more against Arsenal as they haven't got the amount of quality that Man City have in their side....the fact that at home we never had a single shot on target or even any real possession in the Arsenal penalty area in the opening 45 minutes was really poor...even more so when we went 2-0 down!
The three CB idea was not a great shout especially when Kelly didn't support Zemura for their second goal....I know losing Dom doesn't help but Moore battled with no one near him....Lerma and Pearson were just ghosts in midfield...and not sure what role Billing had apart from a spectator one! we are going to get dicked by most teams IF we just let the opposition unchallenged time on the ball....the teams scrapping at the bottom need to up their game in terms of aggression and tempo. Good players don't need much time on the ball but if we press better they are more likely to make a mistake or two.
I was disappointed more against Arsenal as they haven't got the amount of quality that Man City have in their side....the fact that at home we never had a single shot on target or even any real possession in the Arsenal penalty area in the opening 45 minutes was really poor...even more so when we went 2-0 down!
The three CB idea was not a great shout especially when Kelly didn't support Zemura for their second goal....I know losing Dom doesn't help but Moore battled with no one near him....Lerma and Pearson were just ghosts in midfield...and not sure what role Billing had apart from a spectator one!

Be a good idea if Scott showed the match on Sunday between Leeds and Chelsea. Leeds never gave the Chelsea players a moment all through the match. Result 3-0. They gave Arsenal too much room to Play as they did.
Well everyone knows my opinion on the subject so i suppose I not allowed to take part in this debate.......very interesting read though. we are going to get dicked by most teams IF we just let the opposition unchallenged time on the ball....the teams scrapping at the bottom need to up their game in terms of aggression and tempo. Good players don't need much time on the ball but if we press better they are more likely to make a mistake or two.
I was disappointed more against Arsenal as they haven't got the amount of quality that Man City have in their side....the fact that at home we never had a single shot on target or even any real possession in the Arsenal penalty area in the opening 45 minutes was really poor...even more so when we went 2-0 down!
The three CB idea was not a great shout especially when Kelly didn't support Zemura for their second goal....I know losing Dom doesn't help but Moore battled with no one near him....Lerma and Pearson were just ghosts in midfield...and not sure what role Billing had apart from a spectator one!

Exactly. It's showing the opposition too much respect. You have to be brave to have success and that formation was far from brave. Stick Lerma and Pearson in if you like, but there has to be a more creative midfielder in the midst too instead of three at the back.
My guess is he wanted to say something like, "we showed too much respect to Arsenal, we showed too much humility, we were deferential."

But I guess he got his words mangled up a bit.

I heard the whole interview on Solent. What he was saying was that we need to realise we are a team of lesser individual quality than Arsenal and therefore need to humble ourselves and make sure we do the basics right and not lose confidence if it starts going wrong (Ie- keep pressing, working hard etc). His main theme was his level of disappointment to the reaction to going 2-0 down.
I heard the whole interview on Solent. What he was saying was that we need to realise we are a team of lesser individual quality than Arsenal and therefore need to humble ourselves and make sure we do the basics right and not lose confidence if it starts going wrong (Ie- keep pressing, working hard etc). His main theme was his level of disappointment to the reaction to going 2-0 down.

Well, if that's so, it's not exactly the world's greatest rallying speech, is it ?

"OK lads, let's not forget that man for man the Arsenal lads are in a different league to you boys, so make sure you don't get above yourselves, and pay them proper respect right from the first minute. And when we go a goal or two down, as is bound to happen, just make sure you keep on trying to do the simple things all right, and that'll do."

Next time Scotty, try a bit of Henry V !

The Villa game seems to be becoming a poster boy for ‘we will be alright’. We had 34% possession at home, 3 shots on target of which 2 went in, and an astonishingly low (for the PL) 70% passing accuracy which was due to the lumping the ball up front at every opportunity. I’m not one of the stattos on here but know enough about the game to say it’s hard to repeat these statistics and win.
Add to that Villa are looking like one of the league's weaker teams then those stats don't make great reading. I think most of us knew this season would be very very tough but can we at least have a go at being competitive , especially at home.
Add to that Villa are looking like one of the league's weaker teams then those stats don't make great reading. I think most of us knew this season would be very very tough but can we at least have a go at being competitive , especially at home.
Totally agree . I think we know it will be super tough this season but 5 shots on target in 3 games isn’t good enough and like many, hopefully the penny has dropped with Parker and we see a more competitive and energised team.
