Review of prem kits


UTC Legend
Bit harsh on ours I think
What do the daily mail have against fluorescent yellow this year!? Personally I think our home kit is one of the nicest.
Inoffensive and "safe bet" translates to most fans as "classic" or "retro", which I'd imagine is what the majority of supporters like to see.
lol gives Chelsea's home pyjamas kit 8/10 but our sexy home kit a 6/10

Saw another kits review that had us ranked 6th nicest altogether, thought that was appropriate, although I'd have it higher.
our home kit last year was the best in the league. this season's is even better

I can see why people aren't enamored with the other two
I reckon Bournemouth's recent kits have been an inspiration for a few this season. Lots have incorporated gold trim which adds a really classy touch. Swansea's away kit is very much inspired by our Blue one from last two years. We look like the innovators.
I also reckon that our home kit is pretty much best of the bunch but (and I hate to say this) I agree with the Mail that our blue away kit is pretty awful.

I am sure there is a piece of research to be done matching kit design preferences to the blind loyalty of fans. If anyone wants to bung me £50k I would happy carry out this study
