Solent Forum

Annual dose of Mostyn Blair style smarm, deflective jokes, we all love Neil Blake because he does such a grand job and we love you all.
AlGard - 18/7/2016 05:43

10th Aug.

Get those questions about catering prices, and 3rd kit socks ready.

Your annual postings re the Solent Forum are as puerile and repetitive as the questions asked!

Every summer I go along to a pre season friendly or two thinking it'd be great to see some football again, and every summer I remember why I hate pre season friendlies.

Every summer I go along to the Solent form thinking it's important to see what Mostyn and co have to say about the running of our club, and every summer I remember why I hate the Solent forum.


Are the Cherries Trust having any input on the night out of interest?
tednphil - 18/7/2016 08:26

AlGard - 18/7/2016 05:43

10th Aug.

Get those questions about catering prices, and 3rd kit socks ready.

Your annual postings re the Solent Forum are as puerile and repetitive as the questions asked!

If someone asks why we all come back for corners again....
tednphil - 18/7/2016 09:26

AlGard - 18/7/2016 05:43

10th Aug.

Get those questions about catering prices, and 3rd kit socks ready.

And every year I am correct.
Hopefully there will be e-mail questions, so some serious stuff can be asked.

Your annual postings re the Solent Forum are as puerile and repetitive as the questions asked!
AFCBade - 18/7/2016 09:52

Does Eddie Howe normally attend the forum? Is he good with the q&a?

Eddie has attended most of the Solent forums (if not all) since he became manager.

He participates well in the Q&A, but is naturally reluctant to reveal transfer targets, etc. He normally engages in some good banter with the Solent presenter/interviewer.

The downside of the forum is the quality of the questions from the floor, which are usually fairly obvious/mundane - occasionally there's a good question, but generally it's a bit superficial/tame.
Well I think all focus has to be on, stadium and corners filled in and the fact we should have been upgrading in our second Championship season
Why do any of you bother to go, it's only held to appease those wishing they had more say in how the club is run, if they're going to do something radical they are hardly likely to ask the fans for permission, are they?
Braithwell - 18/7/2016 10:51

Why do any of you bother to go, it's only held to appease those wishing they had more say in how the club is run, if they're going to do something radical they are hardly likely to ask the fans for permission, are they?

I go because I like going!

Don't have high expectations of significant revelations... but it's a gentle reintroduction to football for the next season.

As I said before, some of the questions are a bit mundane... when will I learn to keep my hand down and my mouth shut? :hihi:
Used to go to the forum, but the questions became a bit repetitive.

One question that could be asked is, Eddie would you be interested in the England job full time or part time if approached.

Be interesting what reply is given.
RichGo - 18/7/2016 11:12

We'll probably know the answer to that one by then, Billy.

You could be right. Think it is an important questions as far us the fans go though, it could be a big deciding factor in which way our club go.

Would Max stay if he loses Eddie? Probably yes.

Being in the PL surely needs 100% commitment, it is a tough job at the best of times trying to secure your place in this league.

Would JT be able to step into Eddie's shoes while he was away if he took the job on part-time basis?

Also if he was asked to take it on a part-time basis, how long before they will be wanting him full time?

Would surely be an unsettling situation for all connected with the club and us the fans.

We all wish Eddie well, but what is more important for us England or AFCB?
RichGo - 18/7/2016 10:31

AFCBade - 18/7/2016 09:52

Does Eddie Howe normally attend the forum? Is he good with the q&a?

Eddie has attended most of the Solent forums (if not all) since he became manager.

He participates well in the Q&A, but is naturally reluctant to reveal transfer targets, etc. He normally engages in some good banter with the Solent presenter/interviewer.

The downside of the forum is the quality of the questions from the floor, which are usually fairly obvious/mundane - occasionally there's a good question, but generally it's a bit superficial/tame.

Thanks Rich. Sounds like it would be good to get emailed questions too as Al suggests. I might give it a go this year.
Could someone ask a question for me?

Up until the early 80's you were able to buy a cushion for your seat when you entered the stand. Have the club looked in to the opportunity of bringing this back, as all those sixpeneths will mount up.

Of course anyone using them as a missile will get a life ban.
I won't be able to make it but I would really like to know what, if anything, is going to be done for those season ticket holders who lost their seats to the Sky cameras to and now occupy really rubbish seats. We all in our row, understand the predicament the club was in but a response to the courteous letters we wrote to the Chairman would have been nice in the first instance. Perhaps this could be mentioned as an addendum to the stadium question.

Thanks in advance
Redpost - 18/7/2016 16:39

I won't be able to make it but I would really like to know what, if anything, is going to be done for those season ticket holders who lost their seats to the Sky cameras to and now occupy really rubbish seats. We all in our row, understand the predicament the club was in but a response to the courteous letters we wrote to the Chairman would have been nice in the first instance. Perhaps this could be mentioned as an addendum to the stadium question.

Thanks in advance

Email to Solent.
