Song for new owner

Just a thought, for those old enough to remember the Bertie Mee said to Bill Shankly song

Perhaps our version could be:
Max Demin said to Bill Foley
Ave ya heard of AFCB
Yes said Bill & I'll tell yer what
I'm gonna buy the F***ING lot
A la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la..... etc
You should have sung that in The Bricklayers.
Thanks DJ Silver but that tune is very high pitched! I've found on you tube the 'tune' it's the Bertie Mee said to Matt Busby (Man U version) but can't seem to attach it on here, hopefully someone will, to see if this has any legs.
Be nice to mention Max in a song.
It is but I never thought football fans worried about the pitch after 6 pints of Rotting Hedgehog! :guiness::grinning:
Terrible,you won't get the young whippersnappers singing these terrible 70s songs.

I like the new Gary O'Neil ditty though.
I had thought of a much shorter chant.

‘Viva Bill Foley!!’ in an Elvis like tone.
Surely it’s got to be along those lines?

Bright light Bournemouth gonna set my soul
Gonna set my soul on fire
With lot of Bill’s money that he’s ready to burn
Gonna take our team up higher

With Zemura, Cook, and Billing and Keiffer Moore
Parker couldn’t cope so he was shown the door,
And we’re all singing when Solanke scores, so
Viva Bos Vegas, Viva Bos Vegas
Viva, Viva, Bos Vegas!

Thangyouverymuch uh huh huh
Could tweak the last verse to Viva Las Vegas?

"I'm gonna give it ev'rything I've got
Bill Foley please let the dice stay hot
Let me shoot a goal with ev'ry shot, ah
Viva Las Vegas, Viva Las Vegas
Viva Las Vegas, Viva, Viva Las Vegas

or really simple......

"Viva Las Vegas
We love Bill from Vegas
Viva...Viva... Viva Las Vegas!"
Thanks DJ Silver but that tune is very high pitched! I've found on you tube the 'tune' it's the Bertie Mee said to Matt Busby (Man U version) but can't seem to attach it on here, hopefully someone will, to see if this has any legs.
Be nice to mention Max in a song.
High pitched???

The 'bird' behind us yesterday has seriously damaged my ear drums.
