Terry the West Ham fan on Talksport


Star Player
If you get the chance listen to his rant last night after The Hammers lost 4-0. Id imagine a lot of the Afcb fans that went last night felt the same.
Heard him on the way back, he was brilliant. Don't know how he managed to avoid swearing, the whole call must have had the producer's finger constantly hovering over the dump button waiting for an f-bomb
Hes been on today and although he's calmer than last night he's still fuming. Great radio.
...you sort of think that if managers are treating the cup with disdain then fans should do the very same (I know that most do)
Every time I get angry at how stupid MOTD and football "analysis" in general is I remember it's not made for me, it's made for the Terry's of this world.
I've ordered the new 20 years of TalkSport book, if anyone wants to borrow it. I know you're all BIG fans really

