The weakest links time to vote out?


Fans' Favourite
This afternoon I saw a new dance the Cheeryiola. Not rock'n'roll but more like always surrender never advance going sideways and backwards with no commitment or cooordination. The dance team were choreographed by the non dynamic duo Blake and Hughes into an inept troop in the wrong dance competion.Throwing lots of American money away whilst drawing obscene salaries under the cloud of non accountability just like BCP.

Not a knee jerk reaction to today at Everton but a personal view of events at our club post Eddie. Did he fall or was he pushed we may never know opinions differ. I believe that the totally wrong executives remained at the club and since that time are responsible for a series of poor managerial appointments and equally poor recruitment.

Time for the chief judge Bill to make a decision assisted by his show host Jim who perhaps is too engrossed in finding any silver dollar that moves, or can be moved, not too see the Golden Goose being killed right under his nose.

The non dynamic duo rode Eddie's coat tails to huge personal finacial gain time to call time Bill and vote out the weakest links. It may be your money at risk Bill but it is our club and the present situation is strictly non dancing.

You have made your business empire Bill by appointing the right proven people to manage them on your behalf do not let Dean Court to be the odd one out. Time to make that call before it is too late relegation will not be through bad luck but through poor executives on your behalf.
