Tonight's game

srdeverill - 3/8/2016 21:15

Nicely worked goal.

Who is Corey Jordan? Not heard much about him.

He is one of the younger players.
Not bad. We're a bit rough round the edges but there's a lot of potential there. Gradel looked full of energy and back to his troublesome best. Afobe was a bit ponderous in the box but if he speeds up his decision making, he could be quite a threat, I think. His goal was well taken though. 4-3-3 is absolutely the way to go. I like Ake as defensive midfielder. He mopped up a lot today before going off. Brad Smith was sloppy at times but he's got good foundations. I think we're going to be alright. Ibe drifted in and out of the game but I think he's going to be a big improvement on Ritchie.
Tasty friendly. Bit of class from both sides. I am not going to bang on about another defender. I m sure EH knows that.

However, I see enough ability to be safe again. Providing we take at least 4 points off. Boro/Burnley/Hull/West Brom/Stoke etc.
A good workout, that. Ake looks great in that defensive midfield role.

Downsides for me - we still miss Arter when he's not there, we haven't got anyone else to snap at people's heels. And defensive sloppiness, of course.

But encouraging overall, I'd say.
would just add that we still have this obsession with fannying around at the back when teams press us high.

Cost us goals last season, and will cost us goals this season too if we don't cut it out.

Decent game and lots to build on.. Lewis Cook has the potential to be an Arter-type player.
Shame he didn't bang on that drilled cross, too.

Some of the Valencia defending was something we should be aiming to copy!
I wasnt overly convinced by Aké in the DMC role.

Obviously he has a good physical presence and he made good angles for his team mates in the passing phase. However, I felt he ball he was guilty of ball watching defensively and allowed too much space behind him.
It was all about shape tonight, we could have pushed forward and harassed them a bit more, but it was more about inviting them on to us so we could defend against them playing it between the lines. We limited them to one clear attempt, where they ripped through us to score.

Attacking wise I thought Gradel was quite poor for the majority of the game, improved towards the end, Ibe class.

And thanks to Lewis Cook it was the first time I can say that we didn't miss Harry Arter.
Agree with you on Gradel...for the last quarter he seemed a different player. And maybe I imagined it, but for the 10 mins or so that Francis played at RB, we looked more capable of putting in a decent cross/pass.
billythekid - 3/8/2016 21:26

srdeverill - 3/8/2016 21:15

Nicely worked goal.

Who is Corey Jordan? Not heard much about him.

He is one of the younger players.

A 17 year old from Mudeford. One for the future.
Agree re Francis. He made an instant difference when he went to right back. Ibe seemed to have a bit of an attitude and kept running into players. Cook's passing was wonderful. Never seen so many yellow cards in a friendly.
I love the playing it out from the back but God!! I hope we see some more hoofs next season .
Jordan did just fine for a 17 year old coming against Valencia! One slip but otherwise put his foot when needed. Francis did look better than Smith at RB but then I always feel more comfortable with Francis in the middle with Cook.

Of course we needed one Boruc blunder which gave Valencia an open goal with they missed from about 6 yards, but to be fair it came from a long range powerful shot, just that Boruc could have palmed it anywhere else except straight to the striker lurking

Defence stood up better than I feared they might last night. Ake dropping in and out of the defence is quite clever. Able to slot between Cook amd Francis and make a 3, but then pops up in midfield seconds later
