Training ground

Ye the bloody thing still not completed ?..what the f√ck is going on ?...or not going on ? ..those are the obvious questions....we are a Premier League club !

It's been very quiet on the official updates front, with only updates from people passing by to go on (completion of the first pitch and commencement of club buildings as I understand it). But I would be surprised if our new regime isn't a little more keen to shout about progress, given they don't appear to be shy about anything.

Edit, already had this yesterday
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I‘m sure that he‘ll be looking forward to the new and improved medical and rehab facilities.
Interesting to read in that article that we are building according to the revised 2019 plans, so not the EH all singing, all dancing version but hopefully impressive nonetheless. Like you, I‘m looking forward to regular updates because it hasn‘t been often that we‘ve had a big new infrastructure project to get excited about.
The last one I remember was the building and fitting out of the current pavilion. I was terribly excited to hear all about that and I thought that the media team back then did an excellent job of covering it.

As expected, this article states that the whole administration and medical departments are going to be moved over there, so that will indeed free up a lot of space inside the current building, for hospitality or whatever else Bill feels we need. So getting it finished really does give us some more options to optimise our current home, in the interim at least.
The 2019 plans were the revised, “Tracey Island” scheme. Personally I thought the original plans were better suited to the landscape but the revised scheme has a full sized indoor pitch, which is important for Category 1 Academy status I think.
Thanks, I'd forgotten what the 2019 plans were exactly, I just recalled that Max's second version was a lot more conservative looking and obviously intended to be a lot cheaper to make happen.

Still, I'm sure that Bill will ensure that everything is to the highest standard possible and obviously now there will be money to make important needed tweaks here and there.
If it is fit for purpose and impressive in terms of facilities, that's all that matters really. Even if this time there is no integrated, subterranean Thunderbird hanger :confused:
The 2019 plans were the revised, “Tracey Island” scheme. Personally I thought the original plans were better suited to the landscape but the revised scheme has a full sized indoor pitch, which is important for Category 1 Academy status I think.
Actually, if the people and cars in those images are to scale, as they should be, then that is quite a big old hunk of a building. It needs to be too if all of the admin staff are going to be housed there. It should look very impressive to anybody thinking about coming to AFCB, if finished and MAINTAINED ( something a lot of budgets tend to forget in my experience ! ) to a high standard, I would imagine.
Looks pretty good to me.
It must be frustrating not being able to get tickets...home and away. It breeds elitism. ;)

I'm not bothered any more about tickets for DC...and if I decide anytime to see an away game I can go in the Home ends, easily arranged at bigger grounds. . did it 3 times in 15 -16...and at Bristol City in the Championship..but. tbh I'm just happy following the club in exile now and mouthing off about this and that !.
