Bill Foley’s Super Bowl (Vegas red n black Knights)

Taylor Swift having a political influence, and a penchant for Bumbling Biden, is worrisome.

If a celebrity can decide an election, there has to be a concern.

Wait for her jet to crash between now and Novemeber.
She’s not an anti Putin Russian or employed by Wagner
Doesn't really matter.

It's always an unfortunate accident when people who can influence democracy, or have something to say against a regime.

Not saying it will happen, but wouldn't count it out.
A lot of miming going on at the half time entertainment show.

Usher finally started yelling when he had mimed the song.
Not the best game but exciting as it’s so close and going down to the wire. Wish Taylor swift wasn’t shown non stop not that she’s hard on the eyes
Most of her fans are too young to vote or the effort of actually having to register and then go and vote is to much like hard work.
When you have multi millions of fans the numbers become skewed.

It's not just teeny boppers.

