Enes Unal

Has this been confirmed?

Can't believe some dodgy website would know his medical results a few hours after he was scanned, before any club announcement.

Feel sorry for the lad if true, but fingers crossed its just jarred or bruised.
I broke my clavicle aka collarbone many years ago when I was knocked off my motorbike(I had only had it eight days).Unless treatment has changed since,there is no cast ,just arm in sling.Took two months before I could go to work.
Hard to imagine the impact onfield could result in the same injury I incurred.
Probably. Only passed on a friends info which he'd picked up on which as per social media these days was a wind up.
On the Premier League website (mentioned earlier), it did mention fracture and a day or so later the wording had changed with the word fracture missing.
