
I joined this forum because I have always believed that Ken Bailey is alive and living in Purbeck.

That's ********************************. (Oh for fucksake, somebody pm me and remind me how you can swear on here.)

I'm deader than a dead thing that's passed away.

This whole pretending to be alive thing is just so I can get some friends
What’s that supposed to mean? Use to be w season ticket holder but had to give it up cause I couldn’t afford to renew.
Roll with it. Come up with some pithy comments about Scummers or s**t refs and you'll soon be at home. And no, I don't have a spare ticket I'm afraid.
I don't think this is a Huddersfield fan as apparently they didn't out.
Quite understandably considering the distance.
If he went to the club shop the nice lady would be most helpful explaining his best options of getting a ticket. By the way she is from Finnish decent..
It might help.
