Non - Can This Bloke Become President Of The United States?

Hopefully the next administration will do something to make sure that neither he or any of his revolting, self-serving family are able to run for the presidency in future.

But he will need to be discredited - because otherwise the MAGA supporting cretins will continue to yell "foul!"
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It does but it is caught on in the UK. That anti-covid restriction protest in London this past summer, for instance. And at least a couple of posters on here seem to have signed up to the cult.

We think we've come a long way as a species, but once you take religion out of the equation you find that a lot of us apparently can't manage our lives adequately without finding another outlet for superstition and fear of what we don't know.

Someone once used the phrase The Arsenal of Democracy! For a start I'd replace the nal with hole as far as the orange one is concerned. I'd love to see him get in the deeper doo-doos!
It does but it is caught on in the UK. That anti-covid restriction protest in London this past summer, for instance. And at least a couple of posters on here seem to have signed up to the cult.

We think we've come a long way as a species, but once you take religion out of the equation you find that a lot of us apparently can't manage our lives adequately without finding another outlet for superstition and fear of what we don't know.
Is that not just complexity of human perception because now we rely on others to tell us the things we can't prove or experience for ourselves. Once it might have been a few others but now we have these bns of connections, in some cases deliberately manipulating us , more often just passing on their inherited reality.

In most cases we have all developed experience and proofs to explain /rationalise most of the things we are presented. But when faced with something new or ambiguous then it's easier to see how our lack of knowledge or experience can be exploited. We have all bought something that didn't live up to marketing expectations that we believed, this is just the extreme scary end of that.

When all is said and down, the grass will still be blue and the sky green!
Hopefully the next administration will do something to make sure that neither he or any of his revolting, self-serving family are able to run for the presidency in future.

Don't know about what can be done to prevent his "revolting, self-serving family" from running for president but ..

... as far as traitor trumpski goes, so long as he continues not to concede and continues to claim he won the 2020 election and was therefore elected to a 2nd term, the Constitution states "No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice".

Okay, bit of a stretch without the formal Inauguration .. but then we are living in his fantasy world.:slap:
Good job we don’t have a prime minister who suspended the elected legislature when it became inconvenient to him. Oh, wait a minute.
According to Sarah Palin, they weren’t Trump supporters but Antifa disguised as Trump supporters and the media are at fault for not checking their facts!

Lol, I'm not sure this has quite the impact you want it to. A bunch of armed nutcases enter the Capitol Building to protest again stricter gun laws. So they make the laws anyway and include a specific addition making what they just did illegal.

If this confused whataboutery is the best response your weird websites came up with it's not going very well is it?
Lol, I'm not sure this has quite the impact you want it to. A bunch of armed nutcases enter the Capitol Building to protest again stricter gun laws. So they make the laws anyway and include a specific addition making what they just did illegal.

If this confused whataboutery is the best response your weird websites came up with it's not going very well is it?

Despite the crackpot websites you read you always seem to be a bit brighter than someone who resorts to posting :fish: when someone responds to a shitpost. I mean, what was your point?

No offence but :fish: is the response of a moron.

Coming from you SDD I feel it is a badge of honour, name calling seems to always be your default setting. lol
Lol, I'm not sure this has quite the impact you want it to. A bunch of armed nutcases enter the Capitol Building to protest again stricter gun laws. So they make the laws anyway and include a specific addition making what they just did illegal.

Just as an aside, this is worth a read.
It makes the events of the past 12 months with BLM and Trump look like a tea party.
