Shakespeare, wtf is that about? (non)

Out of interest, what was the play you saw last night ? I'm by no means keen on all his stuff, but some plays I think are great.

I used to detest Shakespeare, and couldn't see what the fuss was all about. But I had a fantastic English teacher at school and one day I challenged him to prove to me why Shakespeare was a genius.

He took a speech, carefully deconstructed it, pointed out the power of the imagery and the brilliant use of language. All things I hadn't seen or understood before.

From that point on I was a fan !
Plus the fact that so many modern films are actually just rewrites of shakespeare plays
Edward hadst perchance to dream, of full seventeen marks by dark conspiracy dispossessed. Gold had he none, forsooth he tooketh our players by barter of time. Playeth from the backeth with full speed unto the breach. To foul Burnley journeyed he, then merrily returneth he to the fair verdant pasture of the noble court of Dean.
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I had it in mind that Mel Smith once did a Shakespeare payback sketch, but this does the job ......

Shakespeare's plays are all sex and violence. Clearly he was 500 years ahead of his time.

As there was no football matches to go and watch in the early 1600s, Shakespeare's plays were the next best thing and always played to packed houses. There were even standing terraces for the 17th century plebs to watch the action from.

Shakespeare would use stories written by other authors, and turned them into plays in language comprehensible to the audiences of that time and who had obviously not been brought up on today's tv language.
Anybody who went to Shakespeare's plays in the 1600s would find today's EastEnders language as incomprehensible as we would theirs.
