The Never Ending Jukebox, track two.

Well, if it's a beach motif, how about a couple from Toronto girl band The Beaches.

which contains the magic lyrics "itty bitty titty committee".

Good to see the Canadian version of our Top of the Pops is an exact replica, down to the logo and static motionless crowd.


I've just noticed this was from 2017ish.

If you're lucky you'll get a programme based on The Tube in a year or two. :throw:
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Good to see the Canadian version of our Top of the Pops is an exact replica, down to the logo and static motionless crowd.


I've just noticed this was from 2017ish.

If you're lucky you'll get a programme based on The Tube in a year or two. :throw:
From what I've read, but cannot prove, it was intended to be tongue and cheek. It's a send up to the 70/80's British music show Top Of The Pops. If that's so, glad to hear they got it right!
We're on the edge of a pandemic, markets have shed trillions in wealth, and there is a heated relegation battle going on.

So, to soothe our battered souls, James Taylor released an album of American Standards this week.

Peace and joy restored.

James coming to Toronto end April, with guest Bonnie Raitt. Looking forward to that. His U.S. tour is with Jackson Browne, might do that too if he comes to western NY.
Funny how life is and our relation to the passage of time. It seems so very recent, but it was 10 years ago to the day that Micky Jones left us.

This is a short clip, made even shorter by a 40 second non-musical intro, but then Micky was rather short himself. See how large the guitar is compared to his body.

Rather pleased that I got to sees Micky, Deke ( left us 31-01-17), Martin and Terry play live many, many times.
Not much to do but listen to music. This one from Little Steven. Intro worth listening to, musical history and context, and relate-able in present times.

The song ......... good ol' doo-wop.

Virus related Disco!

If there's a cure for this
I don't want it
I don't want it
If there's a remedy
I'll run from it
From it

Hated this at the time.

I have no idea why, 40 years later.
A new Cramps tribute album is incoming. It's called Really Bad Music For Really Bad People: The Cramps as Heard Through the Meat Grinder of Three One G and features a bunch of great artists like Daughters, Retox, Chelsea Wolf, and (most importantly) another collaboration between Zeus! and the greatest vocalist alive, Mike Patton.

Their version of Human Fly dropped this week...

A couple of days ago we went to see a Moody Blues tribute band (Go Now) at the Tivoli Theatre in Wimborne (Lead singer was in 10CC and the drummer was in the Moody Blues for 25 years). Very, very good - here's a taster :-

