Training ground

Notice there are objections from organisations, plus others.

Six people and organisations wrote to the council opposing the scheme.

Wimborne Civic Society said it would be “detrimental to the green belt providing a clear separation between BCP and Wimborne”.

And the Purbeck and Poole branch of Dorset Campaign to Protect Rural England said it placed “too much pressure” on the environment.

Despite this, planning officer James Gilfillan has recommended that the changes be approved when they are considered at Thursday’s meeting.
Exactly the same objectors as before BTK. As I said the only thing that makes me nervous is the new Council make up. For example the new Chairman of the Planning Committee is a Green Party member, wonder how he will react to the land being used in this way bearing in mind where some of the objections have come from. Usually the Planning Committee will just accept what the Planning Officers recommend - but not always.
Exactly the same objectors as before BTK. As I said the only thing that makes me nervous is the new Council make up. For example the new Chairman of the Planning Committee is a Green Party member, wonder how he will react to the land being used in this way bearing in mind where some of the objections have come from. Usually the Planning Committee will just accept what the Planning Officers recommend - but not always.
If the alternative use for the site is mass tarmacing and concreting for a housing estate, as is happening across the road, I suspect the green angle is fairly well covered by our proposed usage. Plenty of room for flora and fauna to coexist with only a small bit of the site covered by the odd building and some blokes kicking a ball around.
If the alternative use for the site is mass tarmacing and concreting for a housing estate, as is happening across the road, I suspect the green angle is fairly well covered by our proposed usage. Plenty of room for flora and fauna to coexist with only a small bit of the site covered by the odd building and some blokes kicking a ball around.
I think you are right, certainly hope so. There is also a new park opened up on parts of the old golf course which together with the training ground will preserve a lot of green space.
Notice there are objections from organisations, plus others.

Six people and organisations wrote to the council opposing the scheme.

Wimborne Civic Society said it would be “detrimental to the green belt providing a clear separation between BCP and Wimborne”.

And the Purbeck and Poole branch of Dorset Campaign to Protect Rural England said it placed “too much pressure” on the environment.

Despite this, planning officer James Gilfillan has recommended that the changes be approved when they are considered at Thursday’s meeting.

I really don't get those objections?? Do they think its like a full stadium with all the noise and traffic that would bring?
Probably will still be tied to Structurdene. So build the training ground where we are.wjile this is going on they can go for a run down the beach.
Ok simple. Build the ground where athletic stadium is. Build trading ground where we are now. We will still have to pay Structurdene for an empty ground.
How do we get the athletics stadium land without a land swap? Where does the replacement facility go? What about the objections to the loss of public space?
We've done ok without it. Build a ground ffs.

Crikey....I thought all fans were up to speed about the thought process by now...obviously not. As others have ground first....then the plans for the new stadium which will be partly where we train now. PL footballers need a bit more than just running on the beach you know!
How do we get the athletics stadium land without a land swap? Where does the replacement facility go? What about the objections to the loss of public space?

A) We will swap the land we own, roughly from the edge of the penalty area in front of the South Stand to the southern boundary of the Dean Court site for the Athletic Stadium site. You can swap two pieces of land of unequal size.

B) It doesn’t have to be in Kings Park. It could for example be at Slades Farm. If it were to stay in Kings Park the obvious site would be on the two football pitches adjacent to Kings Park school, south of the cricket pavillion which was previously earmarked for an ice rink.

C) on the open space argument, the site earmarked for an ice rink has already got outline planning permission to reduce the amount of open space, so there is a precedent.

I don’t see planning as an issue provided there is a sensible travel plan in place to mitigate extra car journeys. The issue is finding the money to pay or it.
Oh dear.....I cant believe im having to say this.....
I really dont want to...
hey....just a bit more nonsense on a Sunday.

but in McGarrys time....they trained on the beach and on Dean Courts pitch....and Kings Park had a fair bit of grass that they ran around...still there innit?.....whats gone wrong with football.
Feet and Ball and Grass or Sand... Pele often trained on Sand!
If you have the skills and a few days between games...someone to crack a Clough.....his son would know little Nigey ....he takes the training at Burton these days!
A) We will swap the land we own, roughly from the edge of the penalty area in front of the South Stand to the southern boundary of the Dean Court site for the Athletic Stadium site. You can swap two pieces of land of unequal size.

You can't swap two pieces of land with unequal value. Well I suppose you can - I could swap my car with your house if we agreed to it but it's not very likely is it?
You can't swap two pieces of land with unequal value. Well I suppose you can - I could swap my car with your house if we agreed to it but it's not very likely is it?

The land swap is only part of the transaction. The Council own the Athletics Stadium which is rotting and loses money. So, by swapping the land it sits on for a slightly smaller patch of land the Council could ensure that the Park, its users, the users of the Athletics Stadium and the wider community get a shiny new, financially self sustaining Athletics Stadium then it wouldn’t be hard to justify.
The land swap is only part of the transaction. The Council own the Athletics Stadium which is rotting and loses money. So, by swapping the land it sits on for a slightly smaller patch of land the Council could ensure that the Park, its users, the users of the Athletics Stadium and the wider community get a shiny new, financially self sustaining Athletics Stadium then it wouldn’t be hard to justify.

Sure but then we'd need to provide the new facility somewhere else and buy that land to swap.
Oh dear.....I cant believe im having to say this.....
I really dont want to...
hey....just a bit more nonsense on a Sunday.

but in McGarrys time....they trained on the beach and on Dean Courts pitch....and Kings Park had a fair bit of grass that they ran around...still there innit?.....whats gone wrong with football.
Feet and Ball and Grass or Sand... Pele often trained on Sand!
If you have the skills and a few days between games...someone to crack a Clough.....his son would know little Nigey ....he takes the training at Burton these days!
You really are out of touch with the modern day game aren't you
