Dominic Solanke

Oh you wanted it an exact quote to the letter?...I never quoted my original comment,so I wasnt quoting you letter for letter. I think your comment that IS a direct quote is pretty clear? You can wiggle out of it all you want.
Not wiggling out of anything. I have stated that Josh King wasn't fit to wear the shirt. I have never stated that Solanke isn't fit to wear the shirt. You can spin it all you want but it simply isn't true. What I find hard to believe is how much you are struggling to cope with my opinion of a football player just because it's different to yours. You need to let it go as it's becoming abit tiresome.
Not wiggling out of anything. I have stated that Josh King wasn't fit to wear the shirt. I have never stated that Solanke isn't fit to wear the shirt. You can spin it all you want but it simply isn't true. What I find hard to believe is how much you are struggling to cope with my opinion of a football player just because it's different to yours. You need to let it go as it's becoming abit tiresome.

That last sentence is somewhat ironic. Dom could win the golden boot next year and you still wouldn't rate him.

What's hilarious is that you state your opinion hasn't changed but you said he was worthless a couple of years back and wanted Surridge instead of him. When someone else posted above that you should just admit you were wrong you double down. As if you live in a different reality.
Sounds like some ghastly cockney slang.......'just going to cop me a signed shirt'......ffs ....i don't like it..... they are obviously trying to gauge what our reaction will be when they announce that the new stadium will be built in the middle of London.
This. Exactky what ivr been thinking for a while. Who exactly can afford him, that would realistically be interested.

not many, if any at all imo.

This includes teams abroad. Saudi teams? But would dom be interested, as it is basically a joke league still at this point.guess it depends just how important money is, to overlook that.its one thing doing it in 30s, not your prime though.

Wouldn't say I've been thinking like it for a while but I'm coming round to this way of thinking.

I didn't think Dom and Mbappe/Kane were comparable but as time goes on this video seems more and more relevant.
Wouldn't say I've been thinking like it for a while but I'm coming round to this way of thinking.

I didn't think Dom and Mbappe/Kane were comparable but as time goes on this video seems more and more relevant.

Yeah. Ffp and the disparity between elites and rest of clubs. Even between elites tbh, as Barca, Real and Italian clubs don't have spending power they did a decade back.

Overall, I don't have much sympathy for any parties. Financial side of the game has created a monster, and now with ffp, we're in this weird state, where clubs like Madrid can't build a squad full of galicticos any more, and clubs that are bank rolled by obscenely rich men, are unable to spend like they no doubt would, if ffp was in place

Top players demand/feel entitled to such ridiculous amounts of money, meaning something has to give, as ffp regulations dictate. You cant fill your squad up with 100 mill players earning 500k a week... going rate, or close to, for top end players. Due to ffp and/or owners not being rich enough to afford those players.

Plus bayern, and certainly psg, will likely have more of job attracting top players, as their leagues simply don't carry same level of prestige as England and Spain. So have to offer even more money to persuade players. Pool is certainly much smaller as a result. If player feels he deserves 300 to 500k a week..

I'm really struggling to see where Dom will end up. West Ham seems obvious, but I'd be amazed if they were able to offer as much as 50 mill. At which point, you have to question why sell him. As he's worth more than that to us.

Ffp could force us though, sadly. I dobt know ins and outs of ffp, perhaps we have to sell. But at that point you have to question why buy some of the players we did, if it means having to sell prime assets for under value/barely meeting market value to keep us within regulations. Just seems like false economy.

Of course if player has said behind closed doors they realky want to move, probably in best imtersts to sell them, than potentially end up with them losing Hunger or getting annoyed, and having cr4p season... losing more value.

That's where you hope you have good mgmt team, directors etc who are on the same page, that know when the time is right to sell prime assets for a lot of money, with suitable replacements lined up. Rather than making ongoing poor decisions that end up forcing our hand unessecarily due to bad judgement.

Maybe we could sell traore (but again who's going to pay close to what we did... personally i can see him going out on long term loan again) and another less indispensable than Dom. Assuming dom is committed and happy at the club.west ham is a stepup I guess, but given trajectory, ambition etc it's marginal from where I'm sat. From what I can tell from whst they pay players, they likely can offer him 150k a week, then yiu have residual stuff like bigger stadium, bigger stature, odd micky mouse euro campaign. So who knows.

We really need to sort our ground out, but obviously that won't happen overnight. Probably not most important thing in players choices, but likeky does make some difference when it comes to moves like this, sadly. Hard to take us totally seriously I'd imagine in some cases, particularly if we move up In stature and fishing in ponds with ckubs with proper top tier stadiums.
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If we do cash in on Dom in Summer I'd like to say he's been a credit to the club, I was concerned with the 18m we paid for him back then but he proved me wrong im happy to say, I know goals have really highlghted him this season at PL level but his work rate is amazing as is his ability to hold ball up and link up play.
Even if we sold him for 50 I dont we replicate an all rounder like that.
If we do cash in on Dom in Summer I'd like to say he's been a credit to the club, I was concerned with the 18m we paid for him back then but he proved me wrong im happy to say, I know goals have really highlghted him this season at PL level but his work rate is amazing as is his ability to hold ball up and link up play.
Even if we sold him for 50 I dont we replicate an all rounder like that.
He'll be greatly missed as a player and person. He just comes across as a really decent and unassuming chap. It's rare for really good players not to have huge egos. Dom doesn't seem to. He seems quite shy really.
