Non - Princess of Wales

Yes , I very much doubt Kate wanted to do that speech , but with the crazy tabloids/ press hounding her / the family, making up all these theories etc , she has now been forced to tell everyone, when you would expect she didn't want to ..
I really hope no one takes photos, videos etc now , she needs to focus on her recovery for her young family, it must be terrifying .
At the end of the day, she's a human like you and I, and she deserves to be treated in that way too .. what a worrying time for Kate , William and the whole family , what with King Charles too.. let's hope and pray for a speedy , full recovery, and just as importantly a recovery where she's not pictured all over the press , when she's asked publicly to be left alone as she focuses on this ..
That was a very emotional video ....
No worries, sure they will both recover well under the same levels of care, commitment and dedication that any of us would get from the NHS.

oh wait ....
Media loves anything negative or people suffering. The amount of times you see journalists chasing grieving family members is disgusting. Social media is even worse where everyone’s an expert and thinks their opinions actually matter and must tell everyone everything.
Let me guess you are an unemployed bum who survives on welfare and lives in a slum house but thinks you are owed everything and are jealous of anyone who has money.
Wow. Unemployed, living on welfare and in poor housing. Everything the Tories hate, right there in one sentence.
