Non - RIP Kobe

Like Michael Jackson I became whiter as I got older.
“Ali G is back” or was it a typo and you meant to say Ali G is black
I knew nothing of it until today, I suspect most people this side of the Atlantic didn't know about it either.

I certainly wasn’t aware of how it all transpired after the accusations. I knew the charges had been dropped, but wasn’t aware of the details in that article.
Hasn’t an American journalist just been suspended over raising this news item? And they received death threats for doing so.
Seems the two parties had a differing opinion of consensual sex.
Hasn’t an American journalist just been suspended over raising this news item? And they received death threats for doing so.
Seems the two parties had a differing opinion of consensual sex.

According to the BBC, "Felicia Sonmez posted a link to a 2016 article about the allegations, and received death threats online." She was suspended and then re-instated with a statement that she had broken no guidelines.

$2.5 million seems a lot for a dispute over the definition of the word, "consensual."
Yeah I agree Erik, hardly the role model that is being peddled about, while I hate the way our media seem to undermine our famous sportsman at every opportunity especially before major tournaments, digging up dirt etc, I feel much of the US media are the other way and hero worship those that really don't deserve it and suppress a lot, goes right back to grass roots and college football/jock mentality, cause their a quarterback they can get away with anything it would seem.

But this is the nation that idolised the boxing promoter Don King who curbstomped an employee to death over $600, served only 4 years, and years down the line there were plans in Cleveland to name that very street "Don King way" thankfully the city council was divided over the idea, but just goes to show over there it doesn't seem to matter what you do, in time your forgiven and can become a national hero.
Druss, helicopters do not glide at all. They have no wings for lift, only rotors. When the rotors fail, or the engine, they essentially become dead weights, plummeting to the ground like a stone thrown in the air.
A friend of mine who flies helicopters in the forces explained to me how they’ll use momentum to ensure they don’t just drop like a stone. After the Leicester crash, he told me that taking off vertically is generally a no no as, if the engine fails, you’ve got no forward momentum to be able to manage the fall. I can’t remember what it was called, but there was an altitude range when taking off vertically, you’re in a spot of bother as you can’t generate forward thrust at all. Once you’re above this, even taking off vertically, you can generate forward momentum. So while they don’t glide as we think of it, it’s not always just a straight plummet.

As it happens, his old man used to play in goal for the cherries.
