New Old Cherry

If you deduct those 3 'fun boys' from the total Forum support...does that suggest there is no 'fun' among the remainder......little humour or f√cking diversity.... I want to refrain from being severe in my assessment and thankfully there appears to be a massive improvement in the humour stakes....but I think folk would benefit in their own constitution if they could see that people like Waz and R&R have some viable and valuable contribution...they DO attach themselves to Boscombe as opposed to Man f√cking Chester Utd, Liverpool or Chelsea like swathes of the BH population. And many truths do exist within in their material !
The Southern fan needs to be far more broad- minded and be taken seriously in this World of Football. And more Aggressive.
I picked up on this deficiency when only 11 years old behind the goal at the South End....comparing our overall crowd noise to that of small groups of midlanders from Walsall and Coventry... ...northerners from Grimsby and Nottingham etcetera.

.It peeves me to f√ck !
Ignore it if you wish but im confident in my convictions over 60 years .
Forgive me but I’m not going to be tolerant of people who use words like that.
Or he's just trolling you lot and you fall for it every time ….as for R and R he’s quite obviously on a multi year wind up .
A few unhappy dudes on the Forum after that Win I guess...they wanted Foley to sack Iraola after Burnley won...probably same dorks that wanted O'Neil down the road ...
So ... so what happens now Batman ?

After any defeats v Liverpool in the 'ol Mickey Mouse Cup and MC next weekend...will Mr Bill oik Mr Andoni out the door... drop en off in Boscombe Bus Station with ferry tickets to San Sebastian ( Basque port)...don't think he will so its going to be quite some Forum over the next few months...survival of the wittiest I forecast.....those who can handle the toxic banter that might froth up !
If he does sack him...we get some other bloody worzel to get our heads around..oh bugger that for a game of soldiers..cant be arsed to speculate on that !
I'm in my goddamn element with this scenario...and can't wait for the ' Que Sera' to manifest and the non- combatants to squirm if it goes puddle and pothole !
Eventually though, we will arrive at the death or glory month of April..and I think all will be well ..
...Cherry Well hope so !
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Fans are fans.. the club will need all it can get ..whatever their mentality....from the elitist middle - class Tory Prat from the mono-syllabic mumbling neanderthal chavalo from sub Turlin Moor....Exiles in Cornwall, Cincinatti, Cairns ...Vancouver, Vladivostok and Valencia can do their bit babbling about Boscombe Football / Soccer to anyone with two ears.
All those back home are required to face - off the droves of smug smirking Manchester cling-ons...and cocaine-cocooned Boscombe- relocated Scousers that infest Kings these PL days.

It's not like the days when small posses of rank smelling Swindondian or Gashead rent - boys poured into Littledown Avenue with cow -bells and rattles, making goose- honking overtures.
Or the chalk - faced black - pudding miners of Bury aye - oop chooked and eeeh ba-gummed their way from Bournemouth Central up Holdenhurst Rd...hunting down chip shops that did scraps and gravy...

No's all gone year - shaped....and numbers need increasing above the 11, 000 Neil Diamond Covers artists and half-a- game corporate charlies.

We are out of the bottom three now ...gagging for that Stadium Plan and with binoculars in caps off ready mode scanning for that first brick ... Batman.... Mush !

And it happens in the Church....Priests and Archbishop's and their charges are protected by MONEY.

Stay out of the PL football grounds and Churches until things are changed.

Punter Power....End Of.
Fans are fans.. the club will need all it can get ..whatever their mentality....from the elitist middle - class Tory Prat from the mono-syllabic mumbling neanderthal chavalo from sub Turlin Moor....Exiles in Cornwall, Cincinatti, Cairns ...Vancouver, Vladivostok and Valencia can do their bit babbling about Boscombe Football / Soccer to anyone with two ears.
All those back home are required to face - off the droves of smug smirking Manchester cling-ons...and cocaine-cocooned Boscombe- relocated Scousers that infest Kings these PL days.

It's not like the days when small posses of rank smelling Swindondian or Gashead rent - boys poured into Littledown Avenue with cow -bells and rattles, making goose- honking overtures.
Or the chalk - faced black - pudding miners of Bury aye - oop chooked and eeeh ba-gummed their way from Bournemouth Central up Holdenhurst Rd...hunting down chip shops that did scraps and gravy...

No's all gone year - shaped....and numbers need increasing above the 11, 000 Neil Diamond Covers artists and half-a- game corporate charlies.

We are out of the bottom three now ...gagging for that Stadium Plan and with binoculars in caps off ready mode scanning for that first brick ... Batman.... Mush !

:D brilliant!

One correction. Boscombe is cocooned in Crack/Heroin. Cocaine, elsewhere in BCP ;)
Liskeard has a Tory MP, Brian. Guess you must like living in a Tory town, eh ?

Liskeard has a Tory MP, Brian. Guess you must like living in a Tory town, eh ?

Oh I think I've mentioned this several times in responses.. I was banned from Sheryll Murray's 'Surgery'...after several vociferous and fairly hostile confrontations with her staff and once with her....over complaints about Police lack of activity in the town on Friday and Saturdays for social upheavals, drug abuse on the streets and various other stuff.
My wife is a friend and avid supporter of said lady and All Tories so it gets quite heated occasionally in Chez Old Cherry.
Hopefully she gets shoved out in the next Election !
Oh I think I've mentioned this several times in responses.. I was banned from Sheryll Murray's 'Surgery'...after several vociferous and fairly hostile confrontations with her staff and once with her....over complaints about Police lack of activity in the town on Friday and Saturdays for social upheavals, drug abuse on the streets and various other stuff.
My wife is a friend and avid supporter of said lady and All Tories so it gets quite heated occasionally in Chez Old Cherry.
Hopefully she gets shoved out in the next Election !
MPs have been attacked and even killed while conducting their surgeries so I’m afraid they were absolutely right to ban you.
MPs have been attacked and even killed while conducting their surgeries so I’m afraid they were absolutely right to ban you.
Actually my queries were conducted initially in a calm and collected was two of her staff that began an aggressive tirade of abuse at what they thought was a Labour left - winger.....but in fact i'd voted Green for several years.
They are not very nice people, some of these dudes in the pay of Tory MPs. They don't like being challenged for answers...and I think that's a fairly well known and universal fact .
I understand what you mean though on that score...remembering the Jo Cox incident !
Actually my queries were conducted initially in a calm and collected was two of her staff that began an aggressive tirade of abuse at what they thought was a Labour left - winger.....but in fact i'd voted Green for several years.
They are not very nice people, some of these dudes in the pay of Tory MPs. They don't like being challenged for answers...and I think that's a fairly well known and universal fact .
I understand what you mean though on that score...remembering the Jo Cox incident !
Greens do more harm than good to both environment and politics.
