Non - Ukraine

Numbers are great, but the VAST majority (over 8000) are old tanks retired from service and not used for years. They might as well be driving around in Toyota pickups for all the good the armour would do them. Thats if they could get them working. Tanks are notoriously difficult to maintain.

Dont forget to add the Bovington collections to the UK numbers...

They're already included in our 200...
You've also got to take into account that Russia is a large country with very long borders with several nations, it's no wonder they would need a lot of tanks I guess?
Even as the Russians invaded Trump said what a clever move it was. Trump and Farage both have stated they were admirers of Trump. Fox news ste apologists for the Kremlin. And it was said the left are the friends of the Commies ...

I guess they meant it from an objective stance, rather than supporting what he's doing.

In the same way people may say a bank robberty/crime was genius in its execution, despite the nature of it being unsavoury.

But yes, not surprising many find it inappropriate (to state the obvious).
They're already included in our 200...

We have over 220 Challenger 2s

To explain why it matters. The T72, which is the stored tank the Russians have included in their numbers, would find it very difficult to pen a Challenger 2. Where a Challenger 2 would go through a T72 like a knife through butter.

Also, in any war that would happen (if we ignore Nuclear...obviously) then tanks are far less important than they were due to air support being the main deciding factor.
Well the Italians have got their priorities right...................................

Draghi secures exemption for Italian luxury goods in EU sanctions

By Joe Barnes, Brussels Correspondent

Italian prime minister Mario Draghi successfully secured a carve out for Italian luxury goods from the EU's package of economic sanctions against Nato, according to an EU diplomat.
"Apparently selling Gucci loafers to oligarchs is more of a priority than hitting back at Putin," the source added.
Mr Draghi is also fighting to keep the exemption out of a potential third package of sanctions being planned by Brussels.
I might be missing the point somewhere here, but why are we running a direct comparison of UK military strength against Russian?

If we're doing a tank count then shouldn't it be how many would NATO have available (not how many all the countries have, but how many would be let loose under the NATO umbrella) vs how many the Russians have (that are useful in the modern world, as pointed out by Druss).

I'm still trying to envisage the situation where we go tank for tank v Russia without nukes getting involved. If the nukes didn't deter them, why would us having more tanks?

I admit I'm a real novice on anything military, hence me looking stuff up to post on the thread last night as I had no clue, but where would having another 1k tanks help us in this conflict at the moment?
At last the idea of isolating Putin by removing Russia’s permanent seat on the UN security council is gaining grounds.

Strange, though, that it is not because Russia started a war by invaded a peaceful country, is murdering Ukrainian citizens and want to control most of eastern Europe.

The reason being cited is on the grounds that Russia took the seat from the defunct Soviet Union without any authorisation.

Anything to try to prevent murder and stop the war criminal Putin.
One things for sure ...any Refugees from both sides...guess where they head for...and who takes got it...yup...Woke Britain !
Not Germany....not France....not the Netherlands or Scandinavia or Rep of Ireland nope nope nope....the shores of Blighty will be overrun !

"the shores of Blighty will be overrun." What were you on? It's simply unfounded nonsense.

As well as Denmark, highlighted by Kenya Cherry, Sweden was already preparing to accept refugees from Ukraina as the Russian jackboots were crossing the border. Some Ukrainian-Swedish families have already been evacuated. The Swedish Red Cross is collecting and sending aid. Expect the other Nordic countries to play their part too.

On a personal level, we are trying to get our Ukrainian friends out and have offered them to live with us.
Why are you including the UK in that? we don't spend anywhere near enough on defence and when we do it is on ridiculous projects like carriers that make fat juicy targets.
The Tories have gutted our armed forces over the years and the chief of staffs have spent very badly.

you are right we don’t spend nearly enough and the army numbers are way to small.we need
More tanks and soldiers. The only reason for carriers is who knows what might happen in the future and it gives a platform to perform strikes. I do think the west as whole has been complacent.
Even in Afghanistan uk troops would take an area but then have to leave to take the next objective and while gone the taliban would come back. Uk simply did not have enough troops and would require American help to take and then hold areas
I might be missing the point somewhere here, but why are we running a direct comparison of UK military strength against Russian?

If we're doing a tank count then shouldn't it be how many would NATO have available (not how many all the countries have, but how many would be let loose under the NATO umbrella) vs how many the Russians have (that are useful in the modern world, as pointed out by Druss).

I'm still trying to envisage the situation where we go tank for tank v Russia without nukes getting involved. If the nukes didn't deter them, why would us having more tanks?

I admit I'm a real novice on anything military, hence me looking stuff up to post on the thread last night as I had no clue, but where would having another 1k tanks help us in this conflict at the moment?

NATO numbers depends largely on what the Americans do tbh. Nato including yanks can match tanks and way exceeds in everything else including quality and training . Problem is getting everything here including all the logistics.
